6th Grade Percent Worksheets pdf

6th Grade Percent Worksheets pdf - Find the percentage of numbers, convert percentages to fractions, ratios and more.

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6th Grade Percent Worksheets

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Percentages are uncommon in elementary-level math, as related forms – namely fractions and decimals – are used more frequently instead. However, in the real world, many quantities are often expressed through percent form. By the time the sixth grade rolls around, learners are – more or less – already familiar with the concept of percentages, but the year will still include this topic to round out their study of different number types.
People will find a lot of utility in percentages, although its significance may not exactly be quite apparent to kids. For the most part, its use during math classes will be limited. The conversion of ratios, decimals and fractions into their percent form is usually seen as the most challenging part of this topic, although it pales in comparison to far harder topics, such as geometry and pre-algebra. As such, kids can easily breeze through percentages, but if they wish to improve in this particular area, they can train with these 6th Grade Percent Worksheets.
In essence, the percentage form is inherently tied to the number 100. The word itself, after all – “percent or per cent” – roughly corresponds to a “part for every hundred.” In application, if 45% of a class of one hundred is male, that means that there are forty-five male students in the entire class.
As stated briefly above, percentages are quite close to fractions and decimals. Since a percentage is basically the comparison of a number to one hundred, percentages can be easily converted into the fraction form by removing the percentage sign, drawing a dividing line underneath the number, and adding 100 below as the denominator. Kids can note that common fractions and percentages can mean the same thing; as an example, 50 percent can become 50/100, which is further simplified into ½.
We’re glad to have you come in and use our 6th Grade Percent Worksheets to help you prepare for your upcoming class activities. It’s no secret that teaching can take a toll on your mind and body, so we aim to provide our learning materials to homeschooling parents and teachers as a hassle-free way to teach kids.
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6th Grade Percent: Understanding the Concept and Its Applications

Mathematics is an essential subject that forms the backbone of many important areas of our daily lives. One of the key concepts in mathematics is the idea of percentage, which is a fundamental aspect of many different mathematical applications. In this article, we will take an in-depth look at the concept of percent and its applications in the context of 6th grade math.

What is Percent?

Percent is a term that is used to describe a portion of a whole number. It is expressed as a fraction of 100, and it is often used to describe the relationship between different quantities. For example, if we have a pizza that is cut into eight equal slices, each slice would represent 12.5% of the whole pizza.

How to Calculate Percent?

The calculation of percent is straightforward and can be done using simple arithmetic. To find the percent of a whole number, we simply divide the portion by the whole number and then multiply the result by 100. For example, to find the percent of a pizza that represents four slices, we would divide four by eight and then multiply by 100. This would give us a result of 50%, which means that four slices of the pizza represent 50% of the whole.

Understanding the Concept of 6th Grade Percent

In 6th grade, students learn about the concept of percent in more detail and begin to explore its applications in different areas of mathematics. For example, students may learn how to calculate the percent of a discount on a product, or how to find the percentage increase or decrease in a given quantity.

Applications of Percent in Real Life

Percent has a wide range of applications in real-life situations, and it is essential for students to understand these applications in order to effectively use percent in their daily lives. Some of the common applications of percent include:

  • Calculating sales tax on a purchase
  • Calculating the tip on a restaurant bill
  • Determining the interest rate on a loan
  • Calculating the grade point average for a class
  • Determining the return on an investment

Using Percent in Problem-Solving

Percent is an important tool for solving mathematical problems, and it is essential for students to understand how to use percent in problem-solving. For example, a student may be asked to calculate the percent increase in the price of a product over a given period of time. To solve this problem, the student would need to understand the relationship between the original price of the product and the current price.


In conclusion, percent is a fundamental concept in mathematics that has a wide range of applications in real-life situations. It is essential for students to understand the concept of percent and its applications in order to effectively use it in their daily lives. By studying percent in 6th grade, students will gain a solid foundation in this important mathematical concept and be well prepared for further studies in mathematics.

What Students Learn in the 6th Grade Percentages Topic

Percent worksheets are educational resources designed to help students learn about converting fractions, decimals, and ratios into percents. Here are some of the topics that a 6th-grade percent worksheet might cover:

  1. Converting fractions to percents: Students learn to change a fraction such as 1/2 into its equivalent percentage, which is 50%.

  2. Converting decimals to percents: Students learn how to convert a decimal such as 0.25 into its equivalent percentage, which is 25%.

  3. Converting ratios to percents: Students learn to convert ratios such as 1:2 into their equivalent percentage, which is 50%.

  4. Solving word problems: Students learn to apply the concepts of percents in real-world situations, such as finding the discount or markup on a product.

  5. Finding percent of a number: Students learn to find a percentage of a number, such as finding 20% of 100.

You can find many free percent worksheets online that are suitable for 6th graders. These worksheets are a great way for students to practice and reinforce the concepts they have learned in class.


  1. What is percent? Percent is a term that is used to describe a portion of a whole number and is expressed as a fraction of 100.

  2. How is percent calculated? Percent is calculated by dividing the portion by the whole number and then multiplying the result by 100.

  3. What is the importance of percent in 6th grade mathematics? In 6th grade, students learn about the concept of percent in more detail and begin to explore its applications in different areas of mathematics.

  4. What are some real-life applications of percent? Percent has a wide range of applications in real-life situations, including calculating sales tax, determining the tip on a restaurant bill, and determining the return on.