On this page you will find interactive math quizzes for second grade in html5 format. We have quizzes that cover topics such as: Addition, Subtraction, Geometry, Fractions, Probability, Venn Diagrams, Time and more. These quizzes offer a chance at teacher-assisted self-practice. Grade 2 math quizzes online for kids

Add zero to other numbers snakes and ladders
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Telling time

Telling time with a car race kitten game
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Subtraction of money game

Subtraction of money game 2nd grade
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Addition of numbers 1 to 10
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TThis page contains a collection of
grade 2 math quizzes online for kids each covering a specific 2nd grade math topic. With the
addition quiz for grade 2 students will learn addition with and without carrying, addition word problems and more. With the
multiplication quiz for grade 2 students learn how to find the product of two numbers. Through the
times tables quiz students will find the product of numbers multiplied by other numbers in a sequence. The
adding and subtracting integers quiz also teaches students to manipulate negative and positive numbers. Students will also solve word problems involving these operations; what’s new here is the integer dimension to it. There are also division exercises particularly
division word problems grade 2 in which students apply the skills learned in tackling case studies involving stories. Students will also use these quizzes to review varied topics on fractions like
fraction subtraction with whole number,
multiplying and dividing mixed numbers, mixed operations with fractions and more. Students will also review geometry through the
area and perimeter quiz,
triangle congruence quiz,
surface area quiz and more. Also check out our
logical mathematical questions section. Here students are required to solve math problems while applying different math operations seen earlier. The ultimate goal is to understand how students can apply theoretical understanding to practice. Also check out the
math logic examples with answers. With the
telling time quiz, students will read time off analogue clocks and choose the correct answer. Students will also find the equivalence of time on analogue and electronic clocks through a matching exercise. Also featuring are reading time word problems. Through the quizzes on comparisons offered here, children will also learn to use the expressions greater than, less than or equal to in order to establish the connection between two numbers. This skill prepares children for high levels where they are required to solve inequalities using similar expressions. Through the number spelling quiz section, students will learn how to spell numbers that go beyond thousands. Children will also solve problems related to place values, converting Roman numerals, and more. There are also quizzes on L.C.M and H.C.F, even and odd numbers, prime and composite numbers etc.
Each quiz focuses on a particular skill and contains a number of questions that seek to expand understanding of that particular skill. As students solve problems in each quiz, they accumulate points that are displayed right at the top of the quiz. There is equally a timer at the top in some cases; students have to solve all problems within the given time. These quizzes are great tools for teachers in the classroom. Teachers can use them to test skills as they go along. Parents can also use them to homeschool children. The good part about these quizzes is the fact that they can instantly display the progress or performance of participants. It also functions like a test sheet with an answer key. Children can review as many times as they wish since it all happens online.

Probability Quizzes
Place Value Practice Tests
Probability and Statistics
Time Logic Quiz

Subtraction Quizzes
Time Quizzes
Get more practice on similar Math for grade 2 topics below ! The topics above in green were recently added.
Patterns quizzes
Addition Quizzes
Division Exercises
Estimating & Fraction Quizzes
Logic Quizzes