5th Grade Fraction Worksheets PDF

 5th grade fraction worksheets pdf - Learn how to add, subtract, divide, and simplify fractions in this collection of fifth grade fraction worksheets.

Convert fractions to decimals

 Convert fractions to decimals

Convert fractions to decimals printable math worksheet

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Division of fractions

 Division of fractions

Division of fractions printable math worksheet

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Division of mixed fractions

 Division of mixed fractions

Division of mixed fractions printable math worksheet

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Equivalent fractions

 Equivalent fractions

Equivalent fractions printable math worksheet

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Fraction of numbers

 Fraction of numbers

Fraction of numbers printable math worksheet

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Multiplication of mixed fractions

 Multiplication of mixed fractions

Multiplication of mixed fractions printable math worksheet

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Simplify fractions

 Simplify fractions

Simplify fractions printable math worksheet

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Subtraction of fractions

 Subtraction of fractions

Subtraction of fractions printable math worksheet

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Fractions addition 1

 Fractions addition 1

Fractions addition 1 printable math worksheet

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Fractions addition 2

 Fractions addition 2

Fractions addition 2 printable math worksheet

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Fractions comaparisons

 Fractions comaparisons

Fractions comaparisons printable math worksheet

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Fractions comparisons

 Fractions comparisons

Fractions comparisons printable math worksheet

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Fractions half quater third

 Fractions half quater third

Fractions half quater third printable math worksheet

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Fractions of circles

 Fractions of circles

Fractions of circles printable math worksheet

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Fractions shown with circles squares

 Fractions shown with circles squares

Fractions shown with circles squares printable math worksheet

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Fractions shown with pictures

 Fractions shown with pictures

Fractions shown with pictures printable math worksheet

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Grade 5 Worksheets >

Kids will have gained their first taste of fractions all the way back in kindergarten-level math, enjoying simple representations of the concept with pictures of pizza pie slices or squares of a chocolate bar. In the fifth grade, the subject of fractions will unfurl into a much more complex – and challenging – lesson that your kids need to grasp properly to handle secondary school math.
In earlier years, fractions were stand-alone concepts – children undertook simple tasks, such as identifying and comparing fractions. As their elementary math journey nears its end, they’ll be able to uncover a few more tricks regarding these numbers – not the least of which include doing arithmetic operations with them. Our 5th Grade Fractions Worksheets cover a wide variety of sub-topics related to fractions to help your students get a boost over their peers in their math progress.
Adding and subtracting fractions is a good example of a difficulty spike in Grade 5 math. Solving these problems where similar fractions are involved is a walk in the park. The challenge ramps up significantly, however, once kids have to deal with dissimilar fractions. To equip them with the know-how to manage these, they’ll learn to find the least common denominator (LCD) to simplify each fractional number.
Surprisingly, multiplication and division are somewhat easier compared to addition and subtraction when fractions are involved. The formula for solving multiplication problems, for instance, stays the same for similar and dissimilar fractions. The numerator of the product is taken from multiplying both factors’ numerators together, with the same process applied to the denominators to achieve the product fraction.
Division with fractions is also simple; it follows a similar process to multiplication, with one of the fractions’ numerator and denominator flipped before being multiplied.
A few of the other fascinating sub-skills that your students can acquire in their 5th Grade include converting fractions into decimals and percentages. This is useful in doing calculations, as decimals are much easier to punch into an equation than fractions. Children will also become familiar with various fraction forms, such as improper and mixed fractions.
We’re more than happy to offer you these 5th Grade Fraction Worksheets for preparing your next teaching activities. Consider logging on to your membership account at KidsMathTV.com so you can enjoy full access to our large collection of math resources, ranging from video tutorials, to interactive games and a variety of K-12 math worksheets.