Addition with pictures | Addition using pictures

Addition with pictures game


Addition worksheets with pictures

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kindergarten addition worksheets pdf downloads for children.

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Addition with pictures video


In this page there are activities in addition with pictures which children can use to learn this essential math skill. Addition is one of the early math skills taught to children in preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade. However, to teach children how to add is a bit tricky. 
When we get older, we take this skill for granted but when you start to teach a youngster how to add, you quickly realize that it is not as easy as it seems. To begin teaching this skill, we suggest going through the following steps:

  • Teach children how to count from one to twenty at least
  • Use objects to reinforce counting from 1 to 20
  • Once counting skills are mastered, teach children about putting objects together and counting. For example, putting their toys from two sets together and jointly counting all of them.
  • Then teach children addition vocabulary; make them understand that when they put two sets of objects together, they are actually adding. Show them that the + sign is telling them to put two objects together. The outcome of an addition problem is called the sum.
  • Head over to the addition worksheets with pictures section, download worksheets and transpose all this knowledge through the activities in the worksheet. N.B. do not overload children with too much information at a time. It could make them get discouraged too quickly. Take it one step at a time and be ready to stop if you notice any signs that they are getting bored. The simple addition worksheets with pictures resource helps children to solve problems with the pictures of toys they are familiar with.
  • Further reinforce this skill with videos of addition using pictures. YouTube is the right place to go. Check out the video below for extra help.
  • At the end of it all, check out games in addition with photos and pictures like the one listed below. Such games are fun, interactive and highly engaging. Children will learn without even thinking about it.


The steps listed above should be done in the correct sequence and it is worth reinforcing the fact that children should not be taught too many skills at a time. Gentle steps will go a long way. 
After mastering how to add two numbers, it is time to print out addition worksheets which do not contain any pictures and see if on their own children can solve problems without resorting to pictures. It is here you will notice how far they have gone; using fingers to count and add comes in handy here too. Some smart children even start to display some mental math abilities at this stage. 
At this level, it is best if the focus is only on addition of single digit numbers. Adding numbers above ten gets a bit more complex since at times children have to add and carry across places. It is advisable to only get to this level if the foundation has been laid.
Each worksheet is a printable pdf file. The games here are interactive online games which children can play at any time while the videos can be watched straight from YouTube. Come back for more.