Even and odd numbers basketball game online

Even and odd numbers basketball game online

Even and odd numbers, what makes them different?

Numbers have different characteristics that allow them to be unique from the other numbers and one of those characteristics is whether a number is even or odd.
An even number can be divided by two and will have a quotient of 2 whole numbers, meaning without any decimals. For example, if 60 is divided by 2 the quotient will be 30 and that’s how you can determine if a number is even or not. Another way to identify even numbers is to look for the digit 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 in the very last place of the number. For instance, 3, 956 is an even number because it has 6 as the last digit or the number on the ones place value. No matter how large a number may get, as long as the last digit is either 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8 then you can identify it as even.
As for the odd numbers, they are numbers that cannot be divided into 2 whole numbers, meaning they have decimals. For example, if you divide 17 by 2 it will be 8.5 which is not a whole number and that’s how you can determine if a number is odd or not. Another way to identify odd numbers is to look for the digit 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 at the very end of the number. For example, 59, 729 is an odd number because it ends in number 9 which is on the ones place value. Again, no matter how large a number may get, as long as it ends in either 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9 then it is considered odd.
Take note that if you are not sure, you can always try to divide the number into 2 to see if it will be divided into 2 equal whole numbers. If it does then it’s an even number otherwise it’s an odd number.