Online Basketball Fractions Game

Online Basketball Fractions Game

Learn fractions through pictures

Fractions is the representation of a part in a whole, for example is ½. The number 1 or the number above the line is called the numerator and the number 2 which is the number below the line is called a denominator. The numerator is the representation of the part in a whole and the whole is represented by the denominator.
Now, it might be confusing to learn fractions without the help of pictures, as what is said by Henrik Ibsen, “a picture is worth a thousand words” therefore it shows a more detailed explanation than those without. So, for example, 7/9 the picture would show that there are 11 parts in a whole and 7 of them are shaded. With a picture showing the exact equivalent of 7/9, the learners would easily recognize and understand what 7/9 looks like.
The teacher or instructor must also ensure that the pictures are familiar with the learners, for example, a chocolate bar where there are 8 pieces and 3 of it are shaded which makes it 3/8 in fractions. With examples that are familiar with them, it helps them remember the lesson because whenever they see a chocolate bar, it would have a high chance of reminding them about the lesson.
In conclusion, learning fractions through pictures will not only make the learners understand the lesson itself but it will also be a part of their life. Fractions may seem confusing and complicated at first, but it is definitely needed in life.