Order of operations practice, basketball game online

Order of operations practice, basketball game online

The principle of solving Order of operations using BODMAS

The principle of solving order of operations using BODMAS is the same with PEMDAS, if you are familiar with it then you can pretty much master BODMAS immediately, but even if you’re not, BODMAS is still easy to understand.
Let’s start by defining what is BODMAS, the first letter B stands for Brackets or in PEMDAS it’s a Parenthesis. The next letter is O which stands for Order or Exponent in PEMDAS, it’s the square roots or power raised in a number. The letters D and M stands for division and multiplication, it has the same definition as the MD in PEMDAS. Lastly, A and S is for addition and subtraction same with the definition in PEMDAS as well.
Now that we know the definition of BODMAS, we can now put it into action and try to solve order of operations, always remember to solve from left to right. Let’s have an example, 5 + (10 x 5 – 30) = ?. The first thing we have to do is to solve first the numbers and operations inside the brackets/parenthesis, which is 10 x 5 – 30. We mentioned earlier that when we solve for multiple operations, multiplication takes place first. Here in our example, we have to multiply 10 by 5 which is 50 then proceed with subtraction. Subtract 30 from 50 and we will have an answer of 20. Now our equation should look like this, 5 + (20) = ? or 5 + 20 = ? Our answer should be 25 after adding the numbers together.