Roman numbers 1 to 100 basketball game online

Roman numbers 1 to 100 basketball game online

Counting in Roman numerals from 1 to 100

The first thing that we need to know when counting in roman numerals is that 1 is equivalent to I. Also, 0 doesn’t have any corresponding equivalent in roman numerals or is said to be undefined. Now, 5 in roman numerals is V and 10 is X. You will be needing these letters for the next numbers until you reach 48, but by the time you reach 40 and above, another letter would join our roman numerals which is the letter L and it is equivalent to the number 50. And when you reach 100, the roman numeral value of it is C.
Now that you know this, let’s start counting from 1 to 100. 
1 is I, 2 is II, and 3 is III but 4 is not IIII but IV. As what is previously mentioned, 5 is V in roman numerals and 4 is IV because if we put the I, which is 1, on the left side of V it would mean that we need to subtract that from the letter next to it. For example is 4, if we put I on the left side of V, it means we need to subtract it from 5 and we get 4. That’s how you write roman numerals. 
Going back, the next number would be six therefore it would be VI and so on until 9. When you reach 9, it would not be VIIII but IX. Like what is stated above, X means 10 in roman numerals and that’s why we put I on the left side of it to subtract one number from it making it 9. 
Continue counting with roman numerals, just add all the letters together based on what the numbers are. For example, 19 would be XIX, that is 10 which is X plus the value of 9 in roman numerals which is IX. When you get to 20, just double the 10, XX same with 30 with is XXX. Until you reach 40 which will become XL because the value of 50 in roman numerals is L. Continue counting until you reach 100 with C as its roman numeral value.