Subtraction online games - Basketball math game

Subtraction online games - Basketball math game

Subtraction of single digit numbers 1 to 9

Subtraction is merely the process of taking away a certain number or subtrahend from a larger number called minuend. Now, there are different numbers of digit that can be subtracted from each other but starting with the single digits will surely help the learners to adjust and progress one step at a time.
Starting with numbers 1 to 9, we can say that this is the first level of subtraction as learners can solve this even with just their fingers. To subtract single digit numbers we can start with an example, 9 – 5 = ?
When they try to solve for this, you can teach them or instruct them to use their hands. Ask them to raise 9 fingers and close 5 of it and the number of fingers left would be the answer. They can do this method as long as the numbers are single digits or below 10.
You can also provide them pictures they can use to visualize and subtract more effectively. For example, give them cutouts of apples or maybe bananas and ask them to subtract 7 bananas from 9 bananas which will give them 2 bananas left, this will help them more in mastering subtraction skills as they interact more with the pictures that you handed to them.