Addition with pictures for kindergarten | Addition games for kindergarten free

Are you looking for fun and educational ways to help your kindergarten child learn addition? Look no further! In this article, we will explore a variety of addition games that are not only entertaining but also free. These interactive activities will engage your child's imagination and make learning math an enjoyable experience. So, let's dive in and discover the world of addition games for kindergarten!

Addition with pictures for kindergarten | Crocodile Game. Math game for children to review basic addition exercises in a fun way. This is an interactive MCQ adding exercise. For kids and toddlers, it takes a little regular practice to help them get the hang of adding numbers. Numbers are quite an abstract concept to introduce at first, but you can help them wrap their tiny heads around it by using picture cues.
On the flip side, kids also prefer spending their time by playing games and learning how to use the computer. A helpful way to keep your child bored from continually practicing how to add is to try our addition with pictures crocodile game.
This game features simple addition problems using clear, easy-to-see images of everyday items, such as apples, cars and chairs.
This adding with pictures game can be a wonderful addition – pun intended – to your child’s studies or pastime.
This activity is set up like Snakes and Ladders – if your child has already played this classic board game, they’ll master the mechanics quickly. Your child or student can play this game alone or with the help of friends.
Nestled among the reeds and grasses of a pond are hungry crocodiles. They enjoy feasting on wayward frogs, especially frogs who are bad at math. In this crocodile adding game, the kids must lead one of these frogs to the safety of their lily pad by rolling the red die and answering simple addition problems with pictures.
If the players choose an incorrect answer, the frog has to retreat two spaces back lest the crocodiles come for it. The kids have sixteen turns to reach the end, with one addition problem appearing per turn.

1. Introduction: The Importance of Learning Addition

Understanding addition lays a solid foundation for a child's mathematical development. It helps them grasp the concept of combining numbers and builds essential problem-solving skills. By introducing addition through interactive games, we can create a positive learning environment that nurtures a love for math.

2. Counting with Objects: A Hands-On Approach

One effective way to introduce addition to kindergarteners is by using objects. Gather small items like buttons or blocks and encourage your child to count them. Start with simple additions, such as "How many buttons are there if we have 2 buttons and add 3 more?" This hands-on approach makes learning tangible and enjoyable.

3. Number Line Jump: Making Addition Visual

Visualizing addition is key to understanding the concept. Create a number line on the floor using tape or draw it on a large sheet of paper. Ask your child to stand on a number and make jumps forward according to the addition problem given. For example, if they start on 2 and the problem is 2 + 3, they will jump from 2 to 3, 4, and finally land on 5. This game helps them connect numbers and visualize addition.

4. Dice Addition: Roll and Solve

Dice games are fantastic for introducing addition in a playful manner. Take two dice and have your child roll them. They can add the numbers on the dice together and announce the sum. For instance, if they roll a 3 and a 4, they would say "3 + 4 equals 7." This activity enhances mental math skills and quick thinking.

5. Card Match-Up: Combining Numbers

Create a deck of number cards by writing numbers 1 to 10 on index cards. Shuffle the cards and lay them face down. The goal is to find pairs of cards that add up to a specific number. For example, if the target number is 6, the child needs to find the cards with 2 and 4 or 3 and 3. This game sharpens addition skills and boosts memory.

6. Puzzle Pieces Addition: Putting It All Together

Using puzzle pieces, you can create a fun addition game. Draw simple shapes on separate puzzle pieces and write numbers on them. Ask your child to solve the addition problems by putting the pieces together. For instance, if they have a piece with 2 and another with 3, they should combine them to form a shape and say the sum, which is 5. This activity promotes problem-solving and spatial awareness.

7. Missing Number: A Clever Challenge

Challenge your child's addition abilities with the missing number game. Write an addition equation on a whiteboard or piece of paper, but leave one number blank. Your child needs to fill in the missing number to complete the equation correctly. For example, if the equation is 2 + ? = 5, they would write 3. This game encourages critical thinking and reinforces addition facts.

8. Race to the Finish: Competitive Addition Fun

Engage in a friendly competition with your child through a race to the finish game. Create a simple race track on a piece of paper and draw a start and finish line. Roll a dice and have both players add the number on the dice to their current position on the track. The first player to reach the finish line wins. This game boosts addition fluency and adds an element of excitement.

9. Online Addition Games: Accessible Learning Tools

In today's digital age, there are numerous online resources available for teaching addition. Websites and apps offer interactive games that cater specifically to kindergarten-level math skills. Some popular options include "Math Playground," "ABCmouse," and "Coolmath Games." These platforms provide a wide range of addition games, making learning accessible and enjoyable for children.

10. Outdoor Math Hunt: Exploring Addition in Nature

Take advantage of the great outdoors by organizing a math hunt. Write addition problems on cards and hide them around your backyard or a nearby park. Encourage your child to search for the cards, solve the problems, and record their answers. This activity combines physical activity, nature exploration, and mathematical thinking.

11. Addition Bingo: A Classic Game with a Twist

Put a mathematical spin on the traditional game of Bingo. Create Bingo cards with addition problems instead of numbers. Call out addition equations, and players must solve them and mark the corresponding answer on their cards. The first player to get a line or complete the entire card shouts "Bingo!" This game reinforces addition skills while adding an element of friendly competition.

12. Math Scavenger Hunt: Interactive and Engaging

Organize a math-themed scavenger hunt in your home or classroom. Write addition problems on colorful cards and hide them in various locations. Provide your child with clues to find the cards and solve the addition problems along the way. This activity promotes critical thinking, problem-solving, and teamwork.

13. Addition Memory Game: Enhancing Recall Skills

Boost your child's memory and addition abilities with a memory game. Create pairs of cards with addition equations and their corresponding sums. Shuffle the cards and lay them face down, then take turns flipping over two cards to find matching pairs. This game enhances recall skills and reinforces addition facts.

14. DIY Addition Board Game: Customize Your Learning

Engage your child in creating their own addition board game. Use a large sheet of paper or cardboard and let their creativity run wild. Together, design the board, write addition problems in each space, and add fun illustrations. Playing the game they've created will make learning addition even more exciting and personalized.

15. Conclusion

Learning addition doesn't have to be a dull and tedious task. By incorporating engaging and interactive games, we can make math enjoyable for kindergarteners. The activities discussed in this article provide hands-on experiences, visual representations, and digital resources that cater to various learning styles. Embrace these addition games, and watch as your child develops a solid foundation in math while having a blast!


  1. Are these addition games suitable for other grade levels?

    • Yes, many of these games can be adapted for different grade levels by adjusting the complexity of the problems.
  2. Can I play these games with my child at home?

    • Absolutely! These games are designed to be played at home and provide an opportunity for family bonding while learning.
  3. Are there any online resources for additional addition games?

    • Yes, there are various websites and apps that offer a wide range of addition games for children of different ages.
  4. How often should I incorporate these addition games into my child's learning routine?

    • It is recommended to include these games regularly to reinforce addition skills and maintain interest in math.
  5. Can I create my own addition games based on these ideas?

    • Absolutely! Feel free to get creative and customize the games to suit your child's needs and preferences.