Odds and even numbers crocodile game | Even and odd numbers practice

Understanding the concepts of even and odd numbers is crucial in mathematics. These fundamental concepts not only lay the foundation for more advanced mathematical operations but also have practical applications in everyday life. In this article, we will explore even and odd numbers, their properties, and provide practice exercises to help you strengthen your understanding. So let's dive into the fascinating world of number classification!

Odds and even numbers crocodile game - Determining whether a number is odd or even is among the first distinctions kids learn to make about numbers. It is, after all, pretty simple and your children will likely comprehend the concept quickly.
There are quite a lot of methods to teach odd and even numbers for toddlers and kindergarteners. Using visual cues, for instance, can be very helpful. An odd-numbered amount of things can’t be split equally, while even-numbered amounts can. Your kids can also count numbers by increments of two, starting from zero, to learn and memorize even numbers.
Later on, in elementary school, your young learners will find out whether a number is odd or even based on whether or not they leave a remainder after being divided by the number 2.
To help your little ones fully grasp the concept of even and odd numbers, we’ve prepared this odd and even numbers crocodile game. This activity is fit to be played by a single player, albeit a group of kids can participate in this task together.
Your kids will roll a die to move their frog character forwards. They must reach their sanctuary at the bottom-right edge within 14 turns or be eaten by hungry, hungry crocdiles.
Animals occupy each space of their path home. The frog’s friends are perched atop most lily pads, providing a safe area for landing.
Not every creature there is friendly, however. Crocodiles stir in the depths, ready to force the player back to the starting location. Flamingos also stalk the waters and will promptly cast the frog back two spaces.

1. What Are Even and Odd Numbers?

Even and odd numbers are mathematical classifications that are used to categorize integers. An even number is any integer that is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder, while an odd number is an integer that is not divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder. In simple terms, even numbers can be evenly divided into two equal parts, while odd numbers cannot.

2. Properties of Even and Odd Numbers

Understanding the properties of even and odd numbers can help us perform various operations and solve mathematical problems more efficiently. Here are some key properties:

  • Even + Even = Even: The sum of two even numbers is always an even number.
  • Odd + Odd = Even: The sum of two odd numbers is always an even number.
  • Even + Odd = Odd: The sum of an even number and an odd number is always an odd number.
  • Even - Even = Even: The difference between two even numbers is always an even number.
  • Odd - Odd = Even: The difference between two odd numbers is always an even number.
  • Even - Odd = Odd: The difference between an even number and an odd number is always an odd number.

3. Addition and Subtraction of Even and Odd Numbers

When performing addition or subtraction with even and odd numbers, the resulting number follows the properties mentioned above. Let's take a look at some examples:

  • Example 1: 6 + 8 = 14 (Even + Even = Even)
  • Example 2: 3 + 7 = 10 (Odd + Odd = Even)
  • Example 3: 4 + 5 = 9 (Even + Odd = Odd)
  • Example 4: 12 - 8 = 4 (Even - Even = Even)
  • Example 5: 9 - 5 = 4 (Odd - Odd = Even)
  • Example 6: 10 - 3 = 7 (Even - Odd = Odd)

4. Multiplication and Division of Even and Odd Numbers

Similar to addition and subtraction, multiplication and division of even and odd numbers also follow certain patterns. Here are the rules:

  • Even × Even = Even: The product of two even numbers is always an even number.
  • Odd × Odd = Odd: The product of two odd numbers is always an odd number.
  • Even × Odd = Even: The product of an even number and an odd number is always an even number.
  • Even ÷ Even = Even: The quotient of two even numbers is always an even number.
  • Odd ÷ Odd = Odd: The quotient of two odd numbers is always an odd number.
  • Even ÷ Odd = Even or Fraction: The quotient of an even number and an odd number can be either an even number or a fraction.

5. Prime and Composite Numbers

Prime numbers are integers greater than 1 that have no divisors other than 1 and themselves. Composite numbers, on the other hand, have divisors other than 1 and themselves. The classification of prime and composite numbers is independent of whether they are even or odd.

6. Identifying Even and Odd Numbers

To identify whether a number is even or odd, you can use the following techniques:

  • Divisibility by 2: If a number is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder, it is even. Otherwise, it is odd.
  • Unit Digit Method: If the unit digit of a number is 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8, it is even. If the unit digit is 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9, it is odd.

7. Practice Exercise 1: Classifying Numbers

Now, let's practice classifying numbers as even or odd. Determine whether the following numbers are even or odd:

  1. 24
  2. 37
  3. 50
  4. 63
  5. 86
  6. 99

8. Practice Exercise 2: Operations with Even and Odd Numbers

Next, let's apply our knowledge of even and odd numbers to solve some practice problems. Perform the following operations:

  1. 12 + 7 =
  2. 5 - 9 =
  3. 6 × 4 =
  4. 21 ÷ 3 =
  5. 8 + 3 × 2 =

9. Practice Exercise 3: Prime and Composite Numbers

In this exercise, let's practice identifying prime and composite numbers. Determine whether the following numbers are prime or composite:

  1. 13
  2. 22
  3. 29
  4. 39
  5. 41
  6. 48

10. Real-Life Applications

Even and odd numbers have practical applications in various fields, including:

  • Number Systems: Even and odd numbers form the basis of number systems used in computer programming and digital electronics.
  • Encryption and Cryptography: Even and odd numbers are used in encryption algorithms to secure data transmission.
  • Game Strategies: Even and odd numbers are employed in game strategies, such as dividing players into teams or determining turn orders.


Mastering the classification of even and odd numbers is essential for building a strong mathematical foundation. By understanding the properties and operations associated with even and odd numbers, you can solve complex problems with ease. So keep practicing, and soon you'll become a pro at identifying, manipulating, and utilizing even and odd numbers!


  1. Q: Can zero be classified as an even or odd number? A: Yes, zero is an even number as it is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder.

  2. Q: Are negative numbers considered even or odd? A: The classification of even and odd numbers extends to negative integers. A negative even number is divisible by 2 without leaving a remainder, while a negative odd number is not.

  3. Q: Are fractions classified as even or odd? A: Fractions are not classified as even or odd. The concepts of evenness and oddness apply specifically to integers.

  4. Q: How can even and odd numbers be used in programming? A: Even and odd numbers are commonly used in programming for tasks like iterating through lists, conditional statements, and data manipulation.

  5. Q: Is there a practical application of even and odd numbers in music? A: While not directly related to music, even and odd numbers are utilized in musical notation for time signatures, beats per measure, and rhythm patterns.