Mathematical order of operations crocodile game

Mathematical order of operations crocodile game - By the time your child goes through fourth grade, they’ll have developed their understanding of the operations in arithmetic. They might have also encountered the parentheses in math, and possibly even exponents. However, the equations they’ve faced up until then might have only involved one or two operations.
Math – even basic arithmetic - can get pretty complicated and involve several operations in a single equation. This is where the concept of the order of operations comes in – often taught as the acronyms BODMAS or PEMDAS. For this activity, we will help your child learn BODMAS – standing for “brackets, orders or other things, division/multiplication, and addition/subtraction.”
This skill is absolutely critical for your child to solve multi-step equations as they reach prealgebra and algebra. A little practice will give them a considerable advantage, so we’ve prepared this order of operations croc game to help out.
A single child can play through the whole game and finish it in one sitting. If you’ve got multiple kids or students, you can also let them play together to assess how well they’ve learned the principles of BODMAS.
The players will gain control of a frog character. By rolling a red die situated at the northwest corner, they can make the frog move forward by a number of lily pads. As they play, a screen containing one of many order of operations problems will appear. If the player answers incorrectly, they backtrack by two paces.
The kids have to contend with several animals who might help or hinder them, including our infamous crocodiles. Enjoy!