Telling Time to the Hour T-Rex Game

The digital age has caused many signs of progress, but at the same time, many limitations especially to young audiences. One of the aspects where skills are limited is in the knowledge of telling time.

It is easier to say "it's 9:45 pm" if the clock on the wall clearly shows the number and the time frame. But how about when the clock is mechanical? when the short arm is at 2 and the long arm is at 7, what time would it be then?

Kids will surely generate knowledge and expand their skills in telling the time through the telling time to the hour t-rex game. This is an effective, interactive game that allows children to score points by identifying the time from the image shown. The rules are simple, just roll the die and the resulting number will identify the steps you will make, answer the question correctly, and retain the position until the next round! Watch out for dinosaurs though, they will scare jungle boy and take your steps back.

Whatever is learned through this game will surely translate when asked about the time in the real world. Join in the fun, test it out, and verify if skills are indeed improved upon playing! What are you waiting for?