2nd Grade Game On Money - Space Game

2nd Grade Game On Money - Space Game. 2nd-grade Addition of money game In a real-world application, addition can be applied in our daily lives especially when we talk about money. We all know that addition is the process of adding numbers to obtain the total, which is called a sum. Let us take school allowance as an example. Every day, our parents gave us our school allowances that we could spend to buy food or anything that we like. It is often a small amount of money such as 50 and 100. If our parents gave us 100 for Monday and Friday, then 50 for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we have a total amount of 350. With these simple additions, we can save up enough money to buy our favorite toys or even get those limited ones. Another example is buying groceries in the supermarket. When we are buying in a supermarket, all the products have their respective prices indicated on the packaging. When we buy these products, they are scanned through a barcode scanner in which the prices of each item you bought were accumulated to have the list of items with their total price of everything that is indicated below the receipt.