3rd grade addition tens to hundreds game

3rd grade addition tens to hundreds game - In adding two- or three-digit numbers, we often encounter situations where the addends have a 'carryover' on top of them. These kinds of situations often occur when the sum of two numbers is greater than or equal to 10. For example, we have the numbers 461 and 743. In adding these numbers, we should line them up according to their place value then start adding from right to left columns of numbers. First, we should add 1 into 3 that is equal to 4, then 6 into 4 that is equal to 10 but in addition, we should only take numbers in the place value of ones, and the numbers in place values of tens should be carried over to the next number. So, the number in place value of tens which is 1 should be carryover into the next column of numbers which are the place value of hundreds. The next step is we add 4 into 7 which is equal to 11 and also do not forget the carryover which is 1 on top of them that makes it 12. Hence, the sum of 461 and 743 is 1204.