5th Grade Comparison of Fractions Game

5th Grade Comparison of Fractions Game - People compare things to see which one’s bigger or smaller, or which one’s heavier or lighter, or it could be which one has greater or lesser amount. It is almost a part of our everyday lives that we cannot even notice it. Ahoy, kids! For sure you already know what are we going to talk about today, right? Yes, that’s right! It is about comparison, but with a twist-- comparison of fractions! Before we hop on to our fun and informative ride to the world of games, let us first talk about the definition of comparing fractions. Comparing fractions means comparing the fractions given for us to tell if one fraction is greater than, less than, or equal to another. We can compare fractions like whole numbers with the use of these symbols: >,<, and =. For now, let’s proceed to the rules. When we are given fractions with similar denominators, the fraction that has the lesser numerator is the lesser fraction, so that only means that the fraction that has the greater numerator is the greater fraction. However, if the numerators are also similar, the fractions are considered to be equivalent. When comparing fractions having similar numerators, the greater fraction is the one that has a smaller denominator. If you are given three or more fractions with the same numerator, arrange them either in ascending or descending order first before correctly identifying which one is the least and which one is the greatest. If you find it hard to compare fractions using the methods provided above, don’t worry, we got your back! There is a faster and easier way to compare fractions, and that is to convert them into decimal numbers! Just arrange the decimal numbers either in ascending or descending order, and the number that has a greater decimal value is considered to be a greater fraction. And that is it! That’s how you compare fractions! Note that comparing fractions is an essential element that helps in the development of learners' number sense in relation to fraction size. This teaches students that the procedures they use to compare whole numbers and fractions are not always the same. Every lesson that we have thought you come with a great prize-- the gift of knowledge! So, why not put that knowledge to a test with our Math games!