5th Grade Division of Numbers by 100's Game

5th Grade Division of Numbers by 100's Game - Hi, fellow Math wizards! And welcome to another fun and knowledgeable series of Math games! We all know that your previous game, division by 10, was not enough for you! Surely our intelligent wizards been craving and wanting for more! With that being said, we present to you another division game and it is by 100! You may be scared when you hear the word 100, what a big number, right? But we made sure that you will not feel overwhelmed by learning this particular topic! When we divide numbers by 100, we use the long and usual division method. Though there are a lot of much easier steps and shortcuts for this, we will teach you the long method to train and mold your minds to become better at handling complex Math problems in the future. To do this, follow the same process with all the division lessons that we have already tackled. All the processes of aligning the dividend and divisor, then proceed to dividing, multiplying, subtracting, and bringing down numbers, until there is none to bring down, don’t forget the remainder if there is any, too! Also, note that the quotient of a number divided by 100 is the number formed by the digits, except for the ones and tens places. The remainder shall be the number formed by tens and ones digit of the dividend number. Learning division is important because you can learn valuable people skills, especially when you work with your classmates and you are tasked to be the leader. As a leader, you share the given tasks for you by your teachers to your groupmates, so that the workload becomes fair and easy and for you to work together side-by-side.