5th Grade Place Value Game

5th Grade Place Value Game - When you graduate college, you start to have much greater responsibilities with your life. You apply for a job, get hired, work for years, get promoted, and so on. You may get the chance to work with bigger companies too, wherein you can have your own position there. Each position is different from the other, but both contribute a lot to the company. We can relate this topic with math, specifically about place value, where every digit has its own position and its own significance. With that being said, do you now have a guess about our topic for today? That is right! It is all about place values with a twist— place values to tenths and thousandths! You might be thrilled to see the word tenths, and might ask “Isn’t that wrongly spelled? It is supposed to be ‘tens.’” Well, that’s why we are here to answer that question! When we say place value, it is a digit’s value based on its given position in a number. To give an example, consider the number 2,438.294. Here 8 is in ones place; 3 is in tens place; 4 is in hundreds place; 2 is in thousands place;  2 is in the tenths place, 9 is in hundredths place; and 4 is in the thousandths place.  Notice that the given number has a decimal, and the place values of the digits covered by the decimals have suffixes “-ths.” This is to indicate that all place values containing this suffix are covered by the decimal of the number.  In order for us to know what is the place value of a certain digit of a decimal number, comprehend these rules: The starting digit to the right of the decimal point is called tenths place; the following or the second digit to the right of the decimal point is the hundredths place; the following digit is the thousandths place, so on and so forth. The terms to be used are just the same as the terms used on the place values to the left of a decimal point. In order for you to be more guided on this topic, you can download online a decimal place value chart. Master all of the terms, and soon you will also become a place value master, just like us!