Mixed operations concentration game online

Learning the four basic operations, namely Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division is a start, but the learning process does not end here. After you have helped the students achieve a strong foundation on these topics, it is now time to put their knowledge to the test by combining all four Mathematical Operations in one equation!

At first, the children might be confused as to what operation to perform first. Is it an Addition? Subtraction? Multiplication? Or Division? But with the help of the Mixed operations concentration game online, you can have the students practice the correct order.

The game adds even more challenge because aside from computing the given equations on the screen, the students will have to remember where the equation is placed exactly and where the answer lies. Even kids in advanced levels might find this game challenging which is why you can implement a rewards system for those who will be able to finish the game with fewer errors and in the shortest time possible. 

This mixed operations concentration game online would surely train the students to be keen on details and to pay close attention to the task at hand. This would also improve their retention and increase their skills in coming up with a technique that they can use to help them remember every given value.

Fun Games for Math Practice

This exercise will help kids practice Math in a fun way. Kids related to games very well. From preschool / kindergarten to grade 6 levels of math games. There are games for the following topics:

The games include among other : memory games, Walk the plank, Fling the Teacher, En Garde Duel, Basketball Game, Penalty Shoot and more.

Math Worksheets & Printables

These worksheets are printable PDF exercises of the highest quality. Writing reinforces Maths learnt. These worksheets are from preschool, kindergarten to grade 6 levels of maths. The following topics are covered among others:

Math Video Lessons

Ever wondered how to teach maths to kids as a teacher or parent? Simply let them watch our vividly presented videos. These videos cover a number of math topics and simply teach the lesson. The good thing is that they are videos which means they can be watched over and over again. We even have ipod compatible videos along these topics : Lessons to teach Addition, subtraction, Geometry, Comparison, Algebra, Shapes, Time, Fractions, Decimals, Sequence, Division, Metric system, Logarithms, ratios, probability, multiplication and more>>>

Math Quizzes and Online Tests

Math Quizzes Online - Addition, subtraction, Geometry, Comparison, Algebra, Shapes, Time, Fractions, Decimals, Sequence, Division, Metric system, Logarithms, ratios, probability, multiplication

These quizzes range from multiple choice math quizzes, gap fill quizzes, matching exercises, hotspot quizzes with graphics and more for interactive math practice.