Snakes and Ladders Addition Gams 1 to 10

Snakes and Ladders Addition Game 1 to 10

Addition of numbers 1 to 10

If you have one circle and another one circle, it means you have two circles. Add another circle, and it will be three circles now. The more you add, the more circles you will have. So, for example, you wanted 10 circles, you will have to add 5 circles to another 5 circles or add 7 circles and 3 circles together and so on. Addition does not only come in handy with mathematics but in real life situations too. Imagine you have 1 friend and during your first day of school, you met 2 new friends. At the end of the day, you now have 3 friends. Addition also works with your family, if you are an only child and your mother gets pregnant, then you'll now have a sibling, and that sibling will be an addition to your family. Addition can be used for many things but if you are starting to learn it, it's better to practice with the numbers 1 to 10 as they are the starting numbers. Addition is pretty simple, you can even perform it using your fingers. You have 10 fingers and by utilizing them, you can become an addition master for numbers under 10.