Snakes and ladders addition of three digit numbers game

Snakes and ladders addition of three digit numbers game

Addition of 3-digit numbers game online

Numbers have different amounts and therefore, they have different numbers of digits. Say, for example, numbers from 1 - 9 are numbers with single-digit, numbers from 10 - 99 are numbers that have 2-digits, and of course, numbers from 100 up to 999 are numbers with 3-digits. Adding numbers with 1 digit seems to be easy enough as it only has less than 10 numbers, but as you move along the addition journey, the numbers will get bigger, and you will have to deal with numbers that have more digits. For example, numbers like 160, 385, 683, and so on are numbers with 3-digits. They may seem overwhelming at first, but they just have to be added the same way that you add singledigit numbers. For instance, 302 and 593, you will have to add them together per column and not the whole number itself. That is, if you are adding them using the vertical method, it is the same with the vertical subtraction, but the operation will be addition. Just add 3 and 2 together for the first column then 0 and 9 for the next, until you reach the last column of the numbers. They will become handy when it comes to handling money, the better you are with numbers, the better you will be with money.