Snakes and ladders multiplication by single digits game

Snakes and ladders multiplication by single digits game

Multiplication by single-digit number game

Multiplication is an operation that you use in order to multiply a certain number. Multiplication works in many ways, it's like adding multiple numbers together but in a shortcut way. And with addition, you start with numbers that are under 10, and it's the same with multiplication. You first need to start learning how to multiply single-digit numbers. What are single-digit numbers? They are numbers from 1 – 9, meaning they don’t have a partner or a number next to them. Multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division, all these operations, and I’m sure you already know that when learning a new operation, we always start with single-digit numbers. Multiplying is just adding numbers but with a shortcut, for example, 4+4+4+4 is 16 but writing it that way could be impractical and very boring, that’s where multiplication comes in. If you wanted to know what the answer for 4 that is added together 4 times, then you would just have to simply say, 4 times 4 and the answer would the same rather than saying 4+4+4+4. Multiplication can be applied to different numbers as well, but remember to practice with the smaller numbers first or with numbers that are single digit. You can also grab a multiplication table and familiarize with the numbers in it.