Snakes and ladders order of operations game

Snakes and ladders order of operations game

Order of operations game online

In life, things come in order. We have laws and regulations to maintain the peace and order of everything, to avoid chaos. Numbers are also the same, we start from 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on. But we also have orders for operations which we call BODMAS that stands for brackets, orders, division, multiplication, addition, and subtraction. Of course, given the meaning of BODMAS, the knowledge about the 4 operations is a must to be able to master and familiarize with the order of operations. Each equation you may encounter in mathematics, there will be a high chance that there are more than 1 operation that you have to solve for and BODMAS exist for such situations. Following the order of it will surely help in solving the given equation. Solving equations more than just 1 could also be a possibility in real life situations. You may have to solve how many people in your party times the number of glasses of juice they need plus the expenses you will get to buy the amount of juice product for your party. There are millions of other situations where applying BODMAS is a big help to solve the problem. Therefore, BODMAS is not just for math subject but also for the biggest learning ground of every one of us, life.