Snakes and ladders subtraction of number 1 to 20 game

Snakes and ladders subtraction of number 1 to 20 game

Subtraction happens when one number is taken away from a larger number, and it does not only apply to numbers, but it can also apply to money, people, fruits, and objects. There are a lot of things where you can apply subtraction. There are many numbers in the world, it is infinite, therefore it has no end. Subtraction is a long journey, and every journey has its beginning. The beginning for subtraction is one-digit numbers, meaning numbers from 0 to 9. One-digit numbers are the easiest and the very first step in subtraction or in any other operations. Of course, starting from the easiest is the first step for every beginner, nobody’s perfect their first try, if there are then it might be a beginner’s luck. In mathematics, luck is something less of your concerns because you need to understand every function of every single element in an equation. Knowing the difference between the minuend and the subtrahend alone will help you in growing accustomed to subtracting numbers and therefore increase your mastery in subtraction. Subtractions are operations that we use on a daily basis, we use it when we need to determine how much money would be left in our money if we buy a candy, or how many candies would be left if we eat 2 of them. We use it for our daily activities, and sometimes we might not even notice it.