Subtraction worksheets for kindergarten

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Subtraction worksheets for kindergarten. Download free subtraction sheets and learn how to take away and find the difference of numbers.

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This page contains a wide variety of subtraction worksheets for kindergarten which parents and teachers can use to teach their kids / students. Subtracting something means to take away that thing from a group or set. When we remove or subtract from, what remains is usually smaller. Addition is denoted by the minus sign written as – and the outcome of a subtraction problem is called the difference.
Subtraction unlike addition is not commutative. This means that if you change the position of numbers in a subtraction problem, the outcome will be different. Hence in the example 7 – 5 = 2, the answer will be completely different if I changed the number to 5 – 7 = -2. Notice that the answers are different.
Subtraction can be applied to word problems and many life events that children are familiar with. In fact children subtract without even knowing; it is up to educators to guide them to understand what they are actually doing. This begins with the variety of subtraction worksheets for kindergarten we offer herein. Some educators prefer to start teaching subtraction using objects like the toys children are used to or with objects in real life like household utensils, fruits and more. When children get familiar with the idea of taking things away, it is time to familiarize them with subtraction vocabulary and the subtraction sign. Teach kids how to write out this sign and relate it to the notion of subtraction.
Once the foundation has been laid, the next step is to test their understanding on paper using worksheets. The good part about the subtraction sheets we offer is that fact that each one is well illustrated and contains some of the familiar toys and shapes which children use often. To demonstrate subtraction with pictures, notice that most sheets show a set of pictures in which some have been cancelled out. The cancelled out images are those we have taken away. In some exercises, a problem is expressed numerically and children are required to create the problem from the pictures by cancelling out those that are being taken away.
Once children have understood how to subtract, we start teaching them how the same notion of subtraction from one to ten can be done, this time without pictures. Just abstract numbers are shown and they have to solve the problems and fill in the correct answer. Such subtraction worksheets do not contain pictures. If your children are already conformable with the process, you can skip the initial stages and head over to this level.
The worksheets we offer are colourful and demonstrate concepts in a clear and easy to understand manner. Teachers and parents will find these easy to use and children will learn easily. These sheets are free and can be downloaded at any time. Since they are in pdf format, they can be printed out in one click from a home or office printer. Saving ink is a safe environmental practice, which is why we increased the number of activities per worksheet to reduce using so many papers. Head over to the games section to play subtraction games for kindergarten and reinforce the skills learned.

Subtraction Worksheets for Kindergarten: The Importance of Learning Math Early

As a parent or teacher, it's crucial to understand the significance of starting math education early. Children in their formative years have sponge-like minds that absorb information quickly, making this stage the best time to introduce them to mathematical concepts. One of the best ways to help them understand these concepts is by using subtraction worksheets for kindergarten.

What are Subtraction Worksheets for Kindergarten?

Subtraction worksheets for kindergarten are educational tools designed to help young children grasp the basic concepts of subtraction. These worksheets consist of simple problems that involve taking away a small number of objects from a larger set. They are an excellent resource for parents and teachers to use at home or in the classroom to reinforce the mathematical skills of young learners.

The Benefits of Using Subtraction Worksheets for Kindergarten

Using subtraction worksheets for kindergarten offers a range of benefits, including:

  • Improved cognitive development: By working on subtraction problems, young children develop their problem-solving and critical thinking skills. This is an essential aspect of their cognitive development that sets the foundation for future success in math and other subjects.

  • Enhanced understanding of numbers: Children who use subtraction worksheets for kindergarten become more familiar with numbers, and they start to understand how they can be combined and manipulated to solve problems.

  • Better memory recall: Working on subtraction problems requires children to remember the numbers they are working with and how they are related. This helps to improve their memory recall and overall memory skills.

  • Boosted confidence: As children complete subtraction worksheets and see their progress, they develop a sense of pride and self-confidence. This can have a positive impact on their overall academic performance and future success.

How to Use Subtraction Worksheets for Kindergarten

Using subtraction worksheets for kindergarten is straightforward and simple. Here are some tips for getting the most out of these educational tools:

  • Start with simple problems: Begin with worksheets that have basic problems that are easy for children to understand. As they become more confident and comfortable with the material, you can gradually introduce more complex problems.

  • Make it interactive: Encourage children to use manipulatives, such as blocks or counting bears, to help them understand the subtraction problems. This makes the learning process more interactive and enjoyable.

  • Provide positive reinforcement: Offer praise and encouragement as children work through the subtraction problems. This helps to boost their confidence and keep them motivated.

  • Make it fun: Use fun and creative ways to present the subtraction problems, such as incorporating games or puzzles into the worksheets. This helps to keep children engaged and interested in the material.


Subtraction worksheets for kindergarten are an excellent tool for parents and teachers to use to help young children understand basic mathematical concepts. These worksheets offer a range of benefits, including improved cognitive development, enhanced understanding of numbers, better memory recall, and boosted confidence. By starting with simple problems, making the learning process interactive and fun, and providing positive reinforcement, parents and teachers can help children to succeed in their math education.