Time worksheets for kindergarten | Clock worksheet for kindergarten


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Time worksheets for kindergarten

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This page contains a collection of time worksheets for kindergarten. This collection introduces children to the notion of telling time in a fun way. Also covered under this topic is the days of the week worksheets for kindergarten which teach children how to say and spell the days of the week.
Without being able to tell time, most of us will always go to work late or miss our appointments.
There are several ways of keeping track of time. A calendar helps use to keep track of intervals of time like days, months and seasons. Clocks on the other hand are small machines that help us to track the passage of time. In our daily lives, we consult clocks more than we refer to our calendars before we have to keep track of varied micro events that are going on in our lives at the same time.
There are two types of clocks which we use; the analogue or traditional clock and digital or electronic clocks. The former is what ticks with an hour hand and a minute hand while the latter is what we see displayed on our phones or our sports watches. Although analogue clocks have been in existence for several centuries, they continue to exist until this day. Some cities in England have large clocks which alarm at specific times to keep people alert about the evolution of the day. Over time, electronic mechanisms were introduced into the analogue clock displays.
This page also features worksheets on telling time on electronic clocks. Telling time of these clocks is a bit more straightforward since the numbers are displayed straight on the screen. They are used in situations where we need to read time in a precise manner or when tracking time for a competition (like a race). The clock worksheet for kindergarten on the other hand will focus on analogue clocks.
The most exciting activity on time which children get to learn here is how to tell time using analogue clock faces. Children will be asked to read time to the hour. For example, 0ne o’clock is when the hour hand is pointing to one and the minute hand is exactly at 12:00. At this level, we focus on telling time to the hour and reserve other activities for later. Some clock faces in more advanced levels do not have numbers; children need to figure out the position of these numbers. This activity is quite easy to teach since we always have clocks to use in our homes. In case you don’t have one, head over to a toy market and get one real cheap. Children love it when they learn alongside an actual clock.
The day and night worksheet for kindergarten teaches children how to make the distinction between A.M. and P.M. and also how time gradually transitions into the night. This can get a bit confusing for those using analogue clocks since the numbers don’t change.
Also check out the months of the year worksheets for kindergarten learn how to spell from January to December.
These worksheets are all free and can be used in the classroom and at home. Click and download and start to review reading time skills with your children.

Time Worksheets for Kindergarten: A Comprehensive Guide to Help Your Child Master Time-Telling Skills

As parents and educators, we understand the importance of helping our children develop a strong foundation in basic skills such as time-telling. This is not only an essential life skill, but it also helps in areas such as planning, organization, and prioritizing. In this article, we will explore the different ways that time worksheets for kindergarten can be used to help your child master this skill.

Understanding the Concept of Time

Before we dive into the different types of time worksheets for kindergarten, it's important to understand the concept of time and how it is measured. Time is a continuous measurement of events and is often referred to as a "man-made" concept. It is used to help us measure the duration of events and to help us understand the sequence of events. Time can be measured in seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years.

The Benefits of Using Time Worksheets for Kindergarten

There are several benefits to using time worksheets for kindergarten. First, these worksheets help children to develop their sense of time and to understand the concept of time in a practical way. Second, they help children to develop their fine motor skills, such as hand-eye coordination, which is important for writing and other tasks. Third, they help children to improve their ability to plan and organize, as they learn to use time in a practical way.

Types of Time Worksheets for Kindergarten

There are several different types of time worksheets for kindergarten, each designed to help children master different aspects of time-telling. Some of the most common types of time worksheets for kindergarten include:

  • Telling time to the hour
  • Telling time to the half hour
  • Telling time to the quarter hour
  • Matching clocks with digital times
  • Reading a calendar
  • Creating a schedule

Tips for Using Time Worksheets for Kindergarten

When using time worksheets for kindergarten, it's important to keep a few tips in mind in order to ensure that your child gets the most out of these worksheets. Here are some of our top tips:

  • Use real clocks and watches as examples to help children understand the concept of time.
  • Start with worksheets that focus on telling time to the hour, and then move on to worksheets that focus on telling time to the half hour, quarter hour, and so on.
  • Encourage children to use a clock or watch when doing the worksheets. This helps them to get a hands-on understanding of time and helps them to develop their fine motor skills.
  • Make time worksheets a part of your daily routine. Incorporate these worksheets into your child's daily routine, such as homework time, to help reinforce the concept of time.
  • Use positive reinforcement. When your child completes a time worksheet, be sure to praise them and offer positive reinforcement. This helps to build their confidence and to encourage them to continue learning.


Time worksheets for kindergarten are a great way to help your child develop their sense of time and to master the essential skill of time-telling. With a variety of different types of time worksheets available, there is sure to be one that is just right for your child. By incorporating these worksheets into your daily routine, you can help your child to develop a strong foundation in this essential skill.