Tiger Algebra: A Comprehensive Guide

Algebra is a branch of mathematics that deals with variables, equations, and rules for the manipulation of mathematical symbols. Often, it has been the nightmare of a student's academic journey. But what if there were an easier, more intuitive way to grasp these abstract concepts? Enter Tiger Algebra—a game-changing tool designed to help you understand and solve algebraic problems with ease. This article tries to dig deep to find out what Tiger Algebra is, how it benefits both students and teachers, and why it is a game-changer for the teaching and learning of algebra. Continue below >>

Expansions factorisations

 Expansions factorisations

Expansions factorisations printable math worksheet

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Linear equations

 Linear equations

Linear equations printable math worksheet

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Logs printable math worksheet

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Order of operations

 Order of operations

Order of operations printable math worksheet

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Quadratic formular

 Quadratic formular

Quadratic formular printable math worksheet

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Remainder theorem

 Remainder theorem

Remainder theorem printable math worksheet

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Simultaneous equations

 Simultaneous equations

Simultaneous equations printable math worksheet

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Subject of formula

 Subject of formula

Subject of formula printable math worksheet

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Financial arithmetic

 Financial arithmetic

Financial arithmetic printable math worksheet

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Converting decimals to fractions

 Converting decimals to fractions

Converting decimals to fractions printable math worksheet

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Converting fractions to decimals

 Converting fractions to decimals

Converting fractions to decimals printable math worksheet

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Converting fractions to percents

 Converting fractions to percents

Converting fractions to percents printable math worksheet

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Converting percentage to decimals

 Converting percentage to decimals

Converting percentage to decimals printable math worksheet

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Decimal addition

 Decimal addition

Decimal addition printable math worksheet

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Decimal division

 Decimal division

Decimal division printable math worksheet

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Decimals multiplication

 Decimals multiplication

Decimals multiplication printable math worksheet

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Decimals subtraction

 Decimals subtraction

Decimals subtraction printable math worksheet

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Pre algebra adition decimals

 Pre algebra adition decimals

Pre algebra adition decimals printable math worksheet

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Pre algebra adition decimals 3

 Pre algebra adition decimals 3

Pre algebra adition decimals 3 printable math worksheet

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Pre algebra adition decimals2

 Pre algebra adition decimals2

Pre algebra adition decimals2 printable math worksheet

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Adding fractions

 Adding fractions

Adding fractions printable math worksheet

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Converting fractions to percents

 Converting fractions to percents

Converting fractions to percents printable math worksheet

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Equivalent fractions

 Equivalent fractions

Equivalent fractions printable math worksheet

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Fractions addition

 Fractions addition

Fractions addition printable math worksheet

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Fractions multiplication

 Fractions multiplication

Fractions multiplication printable math worksheet

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Fractions simplification

 Fractions simplification

Fractions simplification printable math worksheet

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Fractions subtraction

 Fractions subtraction

Fractions subtraction printable math worksheet

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Impropper fraction comparisons

 Impropper fraction comparisons

Impropper fraction comparisons printable math worksheet

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Circumference area

 Circumference area

Circumference area printable math worksheet

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Complementary supplementary angles

 Complementary supplementary angles

Complementary supplementary angles printable math worksheet

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L shapes perimeter area

 L shapes perimeter area

L shapes perimeter area printable math worksheet

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Perimeter area of squares

 Perimeter area of squares

Perimeter area of squares printable math worksheet

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Surface area of complex figures

 Surface area of complex figures

Surface area of complex figures printable math worksheet

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Triangle perimeter area

 Triangle perimeter area

Triangle perimeter area printable math worksheet

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Volume of cylinder

 Volume of cylinder

Volume of cylinder printable math worksheet

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Linear inequalities

 Linear inequalities

Linear inequalities printable math worksheet

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Absolute values

 Absolute values

Absolute values printable math worksheet

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Add divide multiply intergers

 Add divide multiply intergers

Add divide multiply intergers printable math worksheet

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Adding integers

 Adding integers

Adding integers printable math worksheet

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Comparisons printable math worksheet

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Integer equations

 Integer equations

Integer equations printable math worksheet

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Ordering intergers

 Ordering intergers

Ordering intergers printable math worksheet

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Cm mm scale

 Cm mm scale

Cm mm scale printable math worksheet

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Metric system converting scales

 Metric system converting scales

Metric system converting scales printable math worksheet

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Us metric system

 Us metric system

Us metric system printable math worksheet

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Decimal number patterns

 Decimal number patterns

Decimal number patterns printable math worksheet

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Mixed decimal number patterns

 Mixed decimal number patterns

Mixed decimal number patterns printable math worksheet

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Mixed decimal number patterns2

 Mixed decimal number patterns2

Mixed decimal number patterns2 printable math worksheet

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Mixed patterns

 Mixed patterns

Mixed patterns printable math worksheet

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Number patterns

 Number patterns

Number patterns printable math worksheet

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Number patterns higher

 Number patterns higher

Number patterns higher printable math worksheet

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Greatest common factor

 Greatest common factor

Greatest common factor printable math worksheet

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Greatest common factor

 Greatest common factor

Greatest common factor printable math worksheet

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Least common multiple

 Least common multiple

Least common multiple printable math worksheet

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Number system

 Number system

Number system printable math worksheet

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Percents of numbers

 Percents of numbers

Percents of numbers printable math worksheet

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Ratio percent decimals fractions convertions

 Ratio percent decimals fractions convertions

Ratio percent decimals fractions convertions printable math worksheet

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Ratios printable math worksheet

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Powers printable math worksheet

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Powers exponents

 Powers exponents

Powers exponents printable math worksheet

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Scientific notation 2

 Scientific notation 2

Scientific notation 2 printable math worksheet

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Scientific notation 3

 Scientific notation 3

Scientific notation 3 printable math worksheet

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Scientific notation 1

 Scientific notation 1

Scientific notation 1 printable math worksheet

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Square roots

 Square roots

Square roots printable math worksheet

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Number problems

 Number problems

Number problems printable math worksheet

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Pre algebra adition

 Pre algebra adition

Pre algebra adition printable math worksheet

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Pre algebra division decimals

 Pre algebra division decimals

Pre algebra division decimals printable math worksheet

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Pre algebra multiplication addition

 Pre algebra multiplication addition

Pre algebra multiplication addition printable math worksheet

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Pre algebra subtraction 1

 Pre algebra subtraction 1

Pre algebra subtraction 1 printable math worksheet

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Probability printable math worksheet

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Sets printable math worksheet

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Triangle sides pythagorean theoream 6

 Triangle sides pythagorean theoream 6

Triangle sides pythagorean theoream 6 printable math worksheet

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Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 1

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 1

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 1 printable math worksheet

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Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 2

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 2

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 2 printable math worksheet

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Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 3

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 3

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 3 printable math worksheet

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Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 4

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 4

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 4 printable math worksheet

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Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 5

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 5

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 5 printable math worksheet

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Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 7

 Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 7

Triangle sides pythagorean theorem 7 printable math worksheet

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Percents and ratios

 Percents and ratios

Percents and ratios printable math worksheet

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Coordinate geometry

 Coordinate geometry

Coordinate geometry printable math worksheet

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Coordinates 1

 Coordinates 1

Coordinates 1 printable math worksheet

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Coordinates 2

 Coordinates 2

Coordinates 2 printable math worksheet

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Coordinates 3

 Coordinates 3

Coordinates 3 printable math worksheet

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Data on graph

 Data on graph

Data on graph printable math worksheet

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Graphing linear equations

 Graphing linear equations

Graphing linear equations printable math worksheet

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Graphs locate in x y

 Graphs locate in x y

Graphs locate in x y printable math worksheet

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Ploting graphs

 Ploting graphs

Ploting graphs printable math worksheet

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Table of data 1

 Table of data 1

Table of data 1 printable math worksheet

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Table of data 2

 Table of data 2

Table of data 2 printable math worksheet

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Table of data 3

 Table of data 3

Table of data 3 printable math worksheet

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What is Tiger Algebra?

Tiger Algebra is a computer algebra system (CAS) with tools for manipulation of mathematical expressions and equations. It performs symbolic computations like simplification, expansion, factorization, and equation solving. Tiger Algebra is able to solve several different types of expressions: from polynomials, rational functions, and trigonometric expressions to many other examples. It is very useful for students, teachers, and professionals related to mathematics and other interdisciplinary fields of science that require computational help for algebraic problems. Tiger Algebra offers both online and downloadable versions for users to access its functionality.

Why Choose Tiger Algebra?

1. Simplified Learning Process

The most significant advantage of using Tiger Algebra is its ability to break down complex problems into simple, understandable steps. This fosters a learning environment where students can grasp concepts without feeling overwhelmed.

2. Immediate Feedback

Traditional classroom settings often lack the provision for immediate feedback, which is essential for effective learning. Tiger Algebra fills this gap by providing instantaneous solutions, enabling students to correct their mistakes on the spot.

3. Accessibility

Being an online platform, Tiger Algebra is accessible 24/7 from anywhere. This ensures that learning doesn't stop at the classroom and students can practice algebra whenever they want.

4. Comprehensive Coverage

The tool covers a wide range of topics, ensuring that you're well-prepared for any algebraic challenge that comes your way.

How Does Tiger Algebra Work?

Upon entering the website, users are greeted with a clean, intuitive interface where they can input their algebraic problems. After submitting the equation, Tiger Algebra works its magic by offering a step-by-step guide to solving the problem, complete with explanations for each step.

For Teachers: A New Age of Teaching Algebra

Tiger Algebra isn't just beneficial for students; it's a valuable resource for educators as well. By incorporating Tiger Algebra into their lesson plans, teachers can:

  • Provide real-time solutions to example problems
  • Focus on explaining the 'why' behind each step, rather than just showcasing the 'how'
  • Encourage interactive learning through the platform's user-friendly interface

Tips for Effective Utilization of Tiger Algebra

1. Practice Makes Perfect

The more you practice, the more proficient you'll become. Make it a habit to solve a set number of problems each day.

2. Don’t Skip the Basics

Having a solid foundation in basic algebraic principles is crucial. Make sure to cover the essentials before diving into advanced topics.

3. Leverage Additional Resources

Tiger Algebra is a fantastic tool, but don't stop there. There are plenty of textbooks, online courses, and tutors available to help you master algebra.


Tiger Algebra is revolutionizing the way we learn and teach algebra. With its user-friendly interface, comprehensive topic coverage, and invaluable step-by-step guidance, the platform serves as an effective learning tool for students and a robust teaching assistant for educators. If you've ever found yourself struggling to decode the mysteries of algebra, Tiger Algebra might just be the lifeline you've been waiting for.

Incorporate it into your learning regime or teaching methodology, and you'll soon realize that algebra isn't something to be feared, but a skill that can be mastered with the right tools and persistent effort.


Q: Is Tiger Algebra free?

Yes, Tiger Algebra is free to use, making it accessible to anyone looking to improve their algebra skills.

Q: How do I get started with Tiger Algebra?

Simply visit their website, input your algebraic problem, and let the platform guide you through the solution.

Q: Can Tiger Algebra help with advanced algebraic topics?

Absolutely. The platform is designed to tackle a wide array of topics, from basic to advanced.

By understanding and leveraging the capabilities of Tiger Algebra, you can change your approach to learning or teaching this essential mathematical discipline. So why wait? Start your journey to mastering algebra today!