Adding two fractions - Addition of mixed numbers War Game Online

Adding two fractions - Addition of mixed numbers War Game Online - Mixed fractions are a little tougher to add. The trick, of course, is to first add all the whole numbers together. Then you can treat the fraction parts as a simple fraction addition problem. If your child has picked up the skill of adding fractions with different denominators, they’ll have a much easier time mastering this concept as well.
If you’d like your child to have more fun practicing basic fraction problems, then you can put the worksheets away for now. We’re providing this mixed fractions addition war game to get your child a little more engrossed in the topic.
In this covert ops math game, your child must navigate through the perils of a battlefield to reach the bottom-right portion of the screen, where their exfiltration point is located.
The character moves a set number of spaces depending on the roll of the glowing red die. During each turn, the player must also beat a mixed fraction problem to avoid alerting enemy patrols in the area.
Traps and patrols can knock the player character back a few spaces. Tanks, on the other hand, chase the player back to their starting zone.

The player can also land on spaces with the pulsing yellow symbols to advance another two steps.