Online Addition Game - War Game Online

Online Addition Game - War Game Online - Addition is definitely the most important arithmetic operation that kids should learn at their early age. It’s a basic mathematical skill that helps them understand the value of numbers and their relationship to each other. As they get a strong grasp to the fundamentals of addition, kids also get to discover their own way on how to maneuver the other aspects of elementary mathematics. After counting, it’s another big thing that serves as a huge milestone in their early young lives. Teaching your kids how to add numbers is undeniably a tough job. It’s something that your kids won’t appreciate yet. Giving them a huge piece of paper where jumbled numbers are written will only scare them away. So in this matter, you don’t only need to be patient but also resourceful and creative. Go for a teaching method that will effectively freeze their attention towards learning addition. Introduce this Online Addition Game to your beloved kids. It’s a free interactive game that makes the addition of numbers more fun and comprehensive. The game is set in a place under siege. In order to successfully win the game, your character has to walk through bombs and soldiers without getting harmed. Every time you’ll try to control the movements of your character, there’s a basic addition problem you need to solve. If you get the right answer, your character can safely move forward to its destination. Let your kids bring their character to safety by taking the addition of numbers seriously.

Building your child’s skills and competence in basic addition is crucial for kindergarten and elementary school. Luckily, your child’s bound to get really good at adding numbers as they start applying it in the real world.
Your child can also learn how to add numbers by solving a bunch of worksheets or test papers, although, as you can imagine, this can get really tiring and boring on their part. If you’d like to shake up their math learning activities, you can try our addition online war game for kids
This addition war game puts the player in the shoes of a courageous soldier, bruised and battered in the heat of battle. They must navigate through a series of highways to reach their fortified base at the bottom right.
Roll the glowing red die to move the soldier. They’ll have to steer clear of various obstacles, such as bomb traps, masked Special Forces operatives and enemy commandos, which will cause them to retreat two spaces.
Approaching the bright yellow power-up symbols, on the other hand, helps the player advance by two extra steps.
Throughout the game, your child has to solve some simple addition problems in order to advance. Getting a question wrong will drive the player back by a couple of spaces.