Compare numbers game - War Game Online

Compare numbers game - War Game Online - At first glance, comparing the values of two numbers together seems like a no-brainer. However, the comparison problems that appear in your child’s quizzes can illustrate the values of the numbers as symbols of different colors, sizes, or types. These problems require a little analysis to process properly.
This comparisons war game for kids online can be a neat little activity to practice your child’s analytical and comparative skills through an immersive game set in a dangerous battlefield.
This game requires only a single player, but feel free to let your kids’ groupmates or friends join in to solve the game’s problems together.
The player takes on the role of a sly, skilled special agent. They’ve retrieved vital information from the enemy base and are escaping back to friendly territory.
On each turn, the player must move the agent by rolling the die. They’ll also have to solve comparison problems to ensure that the agent’s position isn’t compromised by hostile forces.
Some bomb traps, a couple of enemy riflemen, and a special enemy commando are restricting the path forward. They’ll blast the player back two spaces if they get too near. Tanks are another major threat – they can bombard the agent all the way back to their initial position.