Convert fractions to decimals - War Game Online

Convert fractions to decimals - War Game Online - Fractions and decimals are both used to represent the values of partial numbers, or parts of a whole. Learning how to convert them can be quite easy. The decimal value of any fraction can be derived by dividing the numerator by the denominator. If your child already has a solid grasp of division, then they can start solving conversion problems.
A little practice can be useful to convert these values efficiently. Pen and pad worksheets, however, can seem a little stale if your child has been doing a lot of them. Try our convert fractions to decimals war game online to immerse them in an exciting new way to learn about converting these values.
This game is intended for one player, but your child can work with their buddies and classmates to take turns solving the problems.
Their mission is to safely extract the special agent to the fortified position at the bottom right corner. With each turn, the player must correctly answer a problem about converting fractions to decimals, or risk being found and driven away by enemy patrols.
Be wary of various obstacles. Bombs, riflemen, and the commando can drive away the agent by two spaces. Concealed grenades also knock the player back one space. Tanks simply chase the agent back to the first space.