Money game for kids - Money War Game Online

Money game for kids - Money War Game Online - As your child grows and learns how to buy their own snacks, stationery or clothes, it’s vital that they also learn how to count change in different denominations to ensure they always receive the proper amount back after a purchase.
To help them out, we’ve designed this money war game for children online as a fun and immersive activity based on counting change.
This game will focus on teaching the value of different U.S. currency coins, including pennies, nickels and dimes, and many of the various combinations thereof.
Although this game can be completed by a single player, your child can have their friends and classmates tag along so they can learn how to count their change together.
The player will take control of a highly skilled secret agent who must return to the friendly base at the bottom right of the screen. The mechanics of the game closely resemble classic Chutes and Ladders.
Several enemy patrols make this journey difficult. Landing on hostile soldiers or bomb traps send the player back two steps, while grenades knock them back by one step. Tanks are the most formidable obstacle – they’ll drive the agent back all the way to the start.