1 to 20 spelling - Spelling Numbers War Game Online

1 to 20 spelling - Spelling Numbers War Game Online - As your child continues to learn the basics of math in their early years, they’ll realize that we don’t just count numbers, we also have spellings for each of them. It’s important that your child learns how to spell numbers from one to ten and beyond as they go through kindergarten.
If they also happen to enjoy playing with toy plastic soldiers and army figurines, they might enjoy practicing their skills with our spelling numbers war game online for children.
Your child will take control of an elite army operative as they make their escape from the battlefield to reach the defended position at the lower right corner.
They can move their character by rolling the flashing red die. After each turn, a prompt will appear challenging them to spell a certain number correctly. Let them beware - if their spelling is incorrect, enemy soldiers will find them and force them to retreat by two paces.
Several obstacles can also drive the player back, from enemy infantry to tanks and bombs. Landing on a tank is especially dangerous, as it will blast the player all the way to the first space.

A few yellow-colored power-ups are also on the route. They push the player forward by a couple of steps.