Division wheel of fortune game online

Division wheel of fortune game online - We have added, multiplied, subtracted, and now we will be dividing numbers!

Division is the operation of distributing a number of things into equal parts. It is also known as operation inverse of multiplication.
 For us to be able to divide, we must know how to add, subtract and multiply first because we will be using these three operations to equally divide numbers.

The division principle is basically how many divisors can fit in the dividend? The answer to the equation is called a quotient.

20 ÷ 10 = 2

There are two 10s in the number 20.

The divisor is 10,  the dividend is 20, and the quotient is 2.

Recommended for kids in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th grades for a fun learning experience with division. Can be used in the classroom, during free time, or tutorial sessions.