Year 6 maths worksheets pdf | Maths questions year 6

Year 6 maths worksheets pdf | maths questions year 6 - A collection of math worksheets for children between the ages 10 and 11 years old, U.K. math revision activities.

Adding money

 Adding money

Adding money printable math worksheet

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Addition circle drill

 Addition circle drill

Addition circle drill printable math worksheet

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 Addition of 3 numbers

Addition of 3 numbers printable math worksheet

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 Addition of 4 numbers

Addition of 4 numbers printable math worksheet

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 Addition up to millions

Addition up to hundred thousands printable math worksheet

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 Addition up to millions

Addition up to millions printable math worksheet

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 Addition with regrouping

Addition with regrouping printable math worksheet

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 Algebra evaluating expressions

Algebra evaluating expressions printable math worksheet

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Algebra number problems

 Algebra number problems

Algebra number problems printable math worksheet

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Algebra solving for the variable

 Algebra solving for the variable

Algebra solving for the variable printable math worksheet

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Pre algebra addition equations

 Pre algebra addition equations

Pre algebra addition equations printable math worksheet

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Pre algebra equations

 Pre algebra equations

Pre algebra equations printable math worksheet

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Add coins usd

 Add coins usd

Add coins usd printable math worksheet

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Money buying

 Money buying

Money buying printable math worksheet

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Shopping printable math worksheet

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Addition of 3 decimals

 Addition of 3 decimals

Addition of 3 decimals printable math worksheet

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Addition of decimals

 Addition of decimals

Addition of decimals printable math worksheet

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Algebra decimals

 Algebra decimals

Algebra decimals printable math worksheet

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Compare decimals

 Compare decimals

Compare decimals printable math worksheet

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Convert fractions to decimals

 Convert fractions to decimals

Convert fractions to decimals printable math worksheet

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Decimal patterns

 Decimal patterns

Decimal patterns printable math worksheet

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Illustrated decimal exercise

 Illustrated decimal exercise

Illustrated decimal exercise printable math worksheet

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Multiply decimals

 Multiply decimals

Multiply decimals printable math worksheet

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Round up decimals

 Round up decimals

Round up decimals printable math worksheet

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Subtraction with decimals

 Subtraction with decimals

Subtraction with decimals printable math worksheet

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Basic long division

 Basic long division

Basic long division printable math worksheet

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Divide 2 by 1 digit numbers

 Divide 2 by 1 digit numbers

Divide 2 by 1 digit numbers printable math worksheet

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Divide 3 by 1 digit numbers

 Divide 3 by 1 digit numbers

Divide 3 by 1 digit numbers printable math worksheet

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Division circle drill

 Division circle drill

Division circle drill printable math worksheet

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Division match up exercise

 Division match up exercise

Division match up exercise printable math worksheet

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Division of whole numbers by fractions

 Division of whole numbers by fractions

Division of whole numbers by fractions printable math worksheet

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Division table drill

 Division table drill

Division table drill printable math worksheet

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Long division

 Long division

Long division printable math worksheet

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Long division with remainder

 Long division with remainder

Long division with remainder printable math worksheet

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Addition of fractions

 Addition of fractions

Addition of fractions printable math worksheet

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Addition of mixed fractions

 Addition of mixed fractions

Addition of mixed fractions printable math worksheet

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Convert fractions to decimals

 Convert fractions to decimals

Convert fractions to decimals printable math worksheet

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Division of fractions

 Division of fractions

Division of fractions printable math worksheet

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Division of mixed fractions

 Division of mixed fractions

Division of mixed fractions printable math worksheet

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Equivalent fractions

 Equivalent fractions

Equivalent fractions printable math worksheet

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Fraction of numbers

 Fraction of numbers

Fraction of numbers printable math worksheet

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Multiplication of mixed fractions

 Multiplication of mixed fractions

Multiplication of mixed fractions printable math worksheet

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Simplify fractions

 Simplify fractions

Simplify fractions printable math worksheet

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Subtraction of fractions

 Subtraction of fractions

Subtraction of fractions printable math worksheet

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Subtraction of mixed fractions

 Subtraction of mixed fractions

Subtraction of mixed fractions printable math worksheet

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Area of circles

 Area of circles

Area of circles printable math worksheet

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Area of circles 2

 Area of circles 2

Area of circles 2 printable math worksheet

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Circumference of circles

 Circumference of circles

Circumference of circles printable math worksheet

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Geometry identifying segments

 Geometry identifying segments

Geometry identifying segments printable math worksheet

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Measure angles with a protractor

 Measure angles with a protractor

Measure angles with a protractor printable math worksheet

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Perimeter and area of complex shapes

 Perimeter and area of complex shapes

Perimeter and area of complex shapes printable math worksheet

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Perimeter and area of l shapes

 Perimeter and area of l shapes

Perimeter and area of l shapes printable math worksheet

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Perimeter and area of rectangles

 Perimeter and area of rectangles

Perimeter and area of rectangles printable math worksheet

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Polygons sides vertices

 Polygons sides vertices

Polygons sides vertices printable math worksheet

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Pythagorean theorem

 Pythagorean theorem

Pythagorean theorem printable math worksheet

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Shapes printable math worksheet

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Solid and planar figures

 Solid and planar figures

Solid and planar figures printable math worksheet

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Symmetrical shapes

 Symmetrical shapes

Symmetrical shapes printable math worksheet

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Symmetry real life objects

 Symmetry real life objects

Symmetry real life objects printable math worksheet

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Symmetry with shapes

 Symmetry with shapes

Symmetry with shapes printable math worksheet

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Bar and linear graphs practice sheet

 Bar and linear graphs practice sheet

Bar and linear graphs practice sheet printable math worksheet

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Coordinates printable math worksheet

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Freedom of setting graph

 Freedom of setting graph worksheet

Freedom of setting graph printable math worksheet

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Graph and data

 Graph and data

Graph and data printable math worksheet

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Graphs locate in x y

 Graphs locate in x y

Graphs locate in x y printable math worksheet

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Linear graphs

 Linear graphs

Linear graphs printable math worksheet

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Ploting graphs

 Ploting graphs

Ploting graphs printable math worksheet

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Tables printable math worksheet

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Venn diagrams

 Venn diagrams

Venn diagrams printable math worksheet

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Venn diagrams 2

 Venn diagrams 2

Venn diagrams 2 printable math worksheet

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X y coordinate practice sheet

 X y coordinate practice sheet

X y coordinate practice sheet printable math worksheet

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Converting scales mm cm ft yd

 Converting scales mm cm ft yd

Converting scales mm cm ft yd printable math worksheet

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Measure angles

 Measure angles

Measure angles printable math worksheet

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Measure rectangles and calculate the area

 Measure rectangles and calculate the area

Measure rectangles and calculate the area printable math worksheet

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Meaurements thermometer

 Meaurements thermometer

Meaurements thermometer printable math worksheet

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Mix operations

 Mix operations

Mix operations printable math worksheet

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Multiplication by 1 digit numbers

 Multiplication by 1 digit numbers

Multiplication by 1 digit numbers printable math worksheet

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Multiplication by 2 digit numbers

 Multiplication by 2 digit numbers

Multiplication by 2 digit numbers printable math worksheet

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Multiplication match up

 Multiplication match up

Multiplication match up printable math worksheet

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Multiplication of fractions

 Multiplication of fractions

Multiplication of fractions printable math worksheet

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Multiplication table drill

 Multiplication table drill

Multiplication table drill printable math worksheet

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Multiplication with money values

 Multiplication with money values

Multiplication with money values printable math worksheet

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Counting patterns

 Counting patterns

Counting patterns printable math worksheet

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Factors printable math worksheet

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Greatest common factor

 Greatest common factor

Greatest common factor printable math worksheet

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Lowest common multiple

 Lowest common multiple

Lowest common multiple printable math worksheet

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Prime and composite numbers

 Prime and composite numbers

Prime and composite numbers printable math worksheet

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Roman numerals

 Roman numerals

Roman numerals printable math worksheet

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Round up numbers

 Round up numbers

Round up numbers printable math worksheet

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Round up numbers up to millions

 Round up numbers up to millions

Round up numbers up to millions printable math worksheet

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Scientific notation 1

 Scientific notation 1

Scientific notation 1 printable math worksheet

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Scientific notation 2

 Scientific notation 2

Scientific notation 2 printable math worksheet

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Patterns complex

 Patterns complex

Patterns complex printable math worksheet

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Patterns easy

 Patterns easy

Patterns easy printable math worksheet

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Subtract up to hundred thousands

 Subtract up to hundred thousands

Subtract up to hundred thousands printable math worksheet

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Subtract up to millions

 Subtract up to millions

Subtract up to millions printable math worksheet

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Subtraction circle drill

 Subtraction circle drill

Subtraction circle drill printable math worksheet

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Subtraction table drill

 Subtraction table drill

Subtraction table drill printable math worksheet

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Telling time am pm

 Telling time am pm

Telling time am pm printable math worksheet

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Telling time roman numeral clocks

 Telling time roman numeral clocks

Telling time roman numeral clocks printable math worksheet

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Time after specific time

 Time after specific time

Time after specific time printable math worksheet

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PDF printablesGeometry

Addition & Subtraction Worksheets

Math Questions Year 6: Unlocking the Key to Success


Welcome to the world of math questions for Year 6 students! As a parent or teacher, you might find yourself wondering how to best prepare your child or students for the challenges of sixth-grade mathematics. In this article, we will explore the essential concepts and strategies that will help Year 6 students excel in their math studies. From fractions to geometry, we will cover it all, ensuring that students not only understand the material but also enjoy the process of learning. So, let's dive into the world of Year 6 math questions!

Understanding the Year 6 Math Curriculum

The Core Topics

In Year 6, students encounter a diverse range of mathematical concepts. The core topics include:

Fractions and Decimals

Fractions and decimals are fundamental concepts that Year 6 students must grasp. They will learn how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide fractions and decimals, setting the stage for more complex math in the future.


Geometry introduces students to the world of shapes, angles, and measurements. Concepts like area, perimeter, and volume become essential as they explore geometric shapes and solids.

Ratios and Proportions

Understanding ratios and proportions is crucial in Year 6 math. Students will learn to compare quantities and solve problems involving proportions, preparing them for real-world applications.


Algebraic expressions become a significant part of Year 6 math. Students will work with variables, equations, and inequalities, developing problem-solving skills.

Data Analysis

Data analysis teaches students to interpret and represent data through graphs, charts, and tables. This skill is vital for making informed decisions based on information.

Developing Problem-Solving Skills

Year 6 math questions are not just about memorizing formulas; they are about developing problem-solving skills. Students will encounter complex problems that require critical thinking and creativity.

Strategies for Success

Mastering the Basics

Before tackling Year 6 math questions, ensure that students have a strong foundation in elementary math concepts. Reviewing previous grade levels' material is a great way to reinforce basic skills.

Practice, Practice, Practice

Practice makes perfect. Encourage students to work on math problems regularly. Provide them with a variety of exercises to reinforce their understanding of different topics.

Real-World Applications

Show students how math is used in everyday life. This can make math more relatable and interesting. Explore real-world scenarios where math is essential, such as budgeting or measuring ingredients for a recipe.

Seek Help When Needed

If students are struggling with specific math concepts, don't hesitate to seek help from teachers or tutors. Sometimes, a different perspective can make all the difference.


Year 6 math questions can be challenging, but with the right approach and dedication, students can conquer them. By mastering core topics, developing problem-solving skills, and following effective strategies, Year 6 students can build a strong math foundation for their future studies.

Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ 1: How can I help my child overcome math anxiety in Year 6?

Math anxiety can be alleviated by creating a positive and supportive learning environment. Encourage your child to ask questions, seek help when needed, and celebrate small achievements.

FAQ 2: Are there any online resources for Year 6 math practice?

Yes, there are many online platforms that offer interactive math exercises and tutorials specifically designed for Year 6 students. These resources can provide valuable practice and reinforcement.

FAQ 3: What are some fun math games or activities for Year 6 students?

Engage your child with math games and activities like Sudoku, math puzzles, and math-themed board games. These activities can make learning math enjoyable.

FAQ 4: How can I track my child's progress in Year 6 math?

You can track your child's progress by regularly reviewing their homework and test scores. Communicate with their teacher to understand their strengths and areas that may need improvement.

FAQ 5: Is Year 6 math preparation necessary for future success in math?

Yes, a strong foundation in Year 6 math is crucial for future math success. It sets the stage for more advanced topics in middle school and beyond.

More on our Year 6 Math Worksheets

Picture this: a hassle-free math teaching session. How? Well, educational worksheets have proved to be particularly helpful and efficient for small children. So, it is essential to make the whole math teaching method exciting and intuitive.This is especially true for elementary learners with attention spans that exist for mere seconds before shifting to another.
One way to achieve that is by using the Year 6 maths worksheets pdf pack herein. These worksheets offer a fundamentally different viewpoint on learning math principles, especially in Year 6.  The worksheets provided here include all of the elements needed to provide a thoroughly immersive and exciting program that will persistently catch the learner's attention while teaching them the basics of mathematical operations in their fifth year of continuous study.
Use these worksheets in your classes and notice the improvement in how your year 6 students learn. Add in some other learning tips here and there, and your classroom will be transformed for ever.
The year 6 maths worksheets pdf free collection offered here is actually a complete revision test of all math topics studied at this level. Students will have a chance to review several notions either in the regular classroom or at home. Teachers can use these as test sheets in the classroom. Parents on the other hand who do not have good math skills will find it easy to use these sheets since there are answer keys attached to the second page of each sheet. Reviewing notions learned in school has never been this easy, year 6 maths revision worksheets give students a chance to review with so many problems ahead of their exams; getting them in a position to easily ace an A+ in all areas of competency. This level is for children between 10 years to 11 years old.
We cover several topics in this level as follows:

  • Year 6 algebra worksheets This is one of the main competencies studied in key stage 2. Children learn how to solve math problems that contain alpha numeric expressions. Combining letters and numbers in equations may seem a little confusing at the start but with more revision, children will get a hold of the required tricks. There are activities here on algebraic expressions, linear equations, making the subject of the formula, L.C.M and H.C.F, and more.
  • Long division questions year 6 – By now although children are versed with the notion of division, long division is still a stumbling block for some. We offer worksheets on this topic in which children get to divide large numbers through the long division method and find a remainder. Some numbers are divisible by others, hence there is no remainder in such cases. It is important to remember the rules of divisibility to be able to tell upfront if a number is divisible by another. Revising with the long division worksheets year 6 pack will dispel this myth.
  • Percentage word problems year 6 – Students will be asked to find the percentage of numbers for example, 50% of 10 is 5 and so on. Percentages as a math skill can be applied in many word type problems like financial arithmetic, simple proportions, compound interest and more. Check out all the possible applications of percentages out there. Get a percentage word problems year 6 pdf sheet and start practicing now.
  • Addition and subtraction word problems year 6 – This section covers the usual addition and subtraction notions involving large numbers. Children will also perfect their skills in addition with and without carrying. Same thing for subtraction. In addition this section, children will learn how to apply these skills in solving word problems and logic exercise which require more than one operation. This competency is applicable at almost all levels of key stage 2 math.
  • Fraction word problems year 6 – Fractions represent portions of entire entities. However, it goes beyond that and gets more interesting when students start adding and subtracting it. These go through complex steps that students need to master. In addition, students will learn to divide and multiply fractions. Having mastered these skills, test your understanding by solving fraction word problems. Come back for more fraction questions for year 6.
  • Ratio word problems year 6 – Like percentages, ratios are an expression of a relationship between entities. Around this concept, there are several activities which children can test on such as converting ratios to fractions, percentages and vice versa. Students will also solve problems in which they have to use ratio values to solve the distribution of money amongst subjects. Solve all ratio questions year 6 activities and become a pro at it.
  • Multiplication word problems year 6 – Finding the product of two numbers is a skill children are quite familiar with, however, they continue to practice these skill in its application in multiplication word problems. Multiplying large numbers in some cases will require addition with regrouping skills. Year 6 multiplication worksheets in this section cover this topic in varied ways.
  • Bodmas questions year 6 – We cover a series of questions through our bodmas worksheets year 6 collection. Bodmas is actually an acronym for Brackets, Of, Division, Multiplication, Addition and Subtraction. To solve problems containing several operations, children need to follow the right order. Without this order in mind, the answer will be incorrect most of the time. Solving mixed operations problems requires an understanding of bodmas.
  • Area worksheets year 6 – Finding the area of figures is a big part of geometry studied in this level. Children will find the area of a square and rectangle through the simple formula of the length times the width, for circles they will use pie radius squared but for more complex shapes, they will require more advanced techniques. Check out this section for a complete revision of geometry.
  • Maths word problems year 6 worksheets – Most of the topics covered in year 6 math, have word problems that go along with the relevant notions studied with hard numbers. Students get to review such skills and develop competencies in math logic.

Revision at home with these year 6 homework sheets has never been easier. Parents and teachers love these resources and we are constantly updating this section. Remember to come back for more.