Shapes and geometry zombie shooter | Geometry games

Geometry games | 2d shape games | 2d shape interactive game "Survive through the wave of zombies! What is this shape? Square? Great! Brrrrt!" Teaching children about math through visual aids is good and all, but how about educational programs? Young learners should have a fun and enjoyable experience to learn more about various shapes and basic geometry, and integrating them into games is a fantastic strategy. Shapes and geometry zombie shooteris one way for children to master the recognition of basic shapes and fundamentals of geometry. This game have different questions about shapes and geometry for the player to answer while bringing a fresh variation as they go on. It relies on an avatar armed with a handgun to combat a swarm of zombies, moving through various difficulties by identifying shapes and answering geometry questions. Each game gives a multiple-choice question with a spefific time limit to make everything challenging. If the player gives the right answer, the avatar will fire at the zombie wave, giving gratification and a learning experience at the same time. The tasks ahead will get more and more challenging, so the player should pay close attention.