Addition means bringing two quantities together and finding the sum. Although this sounds simple and straightforward, children often find it hard to understand this concept. Most children start embracing math through counting from one to ten, using pictures or their fingers. But they are thrown off when you start joining and adding two numbers. A good way to help them out is to find counting aids or objects to make them understand how the concept actually operates. You can use your fingers or chips to show this to them. When they start to understand the concept, you can start to use pictures of objects they are familiar with. When they understand how to use pictures to understand addition, start showing them this operation of worksheets with pictures to add. Follow up by accompanying these pictures with the actual numbers that are shown. Once they understand how to do this. Print out worksheets which do not contain any pictures and give them the freedom to apply any strategy that stuck with them.
With the notion understood, it is time to try out our addition games online. Our games are quite fun and the variety is endless. Check out the links provided in this page and click to practice with any game. Notice that these games are all free and always online.
Featuring on the following links are addition games on varied subtopics covered with varied game types.
These games are all free and can be played in the classroom as individual or group games. Feel free to share these games on any platform like Google classroom or on your social networks. We are constantly updating the content of our pages. Come back for more.
Addition Math Exercises - Worksheets, Games, Quizzes