Maths Summer Holiday Homework for Class 1

As the summer break approaches, it's time for Class 1 students to engage in enjoyable yet educational activities. Summer homework not only keeps their minds active but also reinforces the concepts learned during the academic year. In this article, we will explore exciting and interactive mathematics summer holiday homework ideas for Class 1 students. These activities will not only enhance their mathematical skills but also make learning a fun-filled adventure.

Telling time

Telling time to minutes crocdile game

Telling time to minutes

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Addition 1 to 10

Addition 1 to 10 t rex game

Addition 1 to 10 t rex game

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Addition with pictures

Subtraction game crocodile game

Addition with pictures game

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Counting Objects

Counting objects zombie games

Counting objects zombie games

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Shapes game

Shapes crocodile game

Shapes crocodile game online

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Spelling numbers

Spelling numbers zombie game

Spelling numbers zombie game

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Spelling numbers

Spelling numbers memory game

Spelling numbers memory game

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Spelling 6 to 10

Spelling 6 to 10 numbers memory game

Spelling 6 to 10 numbers memory game

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Counting with pictures crocodile game

Subtraction snakes and ladders game

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Even and odd numbers snakes and ladders game

Even and odd numbers game

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Addition with pictures crocodile game

Addition with pictures crocodile game

Play now

Addition 1 to 10

Addition one to ten snakes and ladders game

Addition one to ten snakes and ladders game

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Subtraction 1 to 20

Subtraction 1 to 20 wheel of fortune

Subtraction 1 to 20 wheel of fortune

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Telling time

Find the area of a circle crocodile game

Telling time minutes past

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Shapes basketball game

Basketball on shapes online

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Adding zero

Comparing fractions crocodile game

Addition of zero wheel of fortune game

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Fractions on pics

Fractions shown with pictures crocodile game

Fractions shown with pictures crocodile game

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Addition 1 to ten croc game

Addition 1 to ten croc game online

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Addition of doubles

Telling Time to the Hour T Rex Game

Addition of doubles crocodile game

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Addition of three digit numbers croc game

Addition of three digit numbers croc game

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Adding zero to numbers game

Addition of zero to other numbers crocodile game.

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Division Game

Division croc game online

Division croc game online for children.

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Even or Odd

Identifying even and odd numbers game

Identifying even and odd numbers game

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Add & Subtract

Addition and subtraction game car race

Car race add and subtract game online

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Multiply by ten croc game

Multiplication by five digit numbers croc game.

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Number spellings

Number spellings above 20 game

Spelling numbers above twenty croc game

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Number spellings

Spelling numbers croc game

Spelling numbers > 20 croc game online

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Number spellings

Number spellings to 20 online

Number spellings to 20 online crocodile game

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Even & odd numbers

Even & odd numbers game

Even and odd numbers

Play now

Place Value

Pre algebra additon croc game online

Place value space dog game

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Addition game

Pre algebra subtraction game

Addition from one to ten game

Play now

Prime numbers

Prime numbers croc game online

Prime numbers croc game online for students

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Roman numerals

Roman numerals game

Roman numerals game, croc game.

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Subtraction crocodile game

Subtraction 3 digits crocodile game for students

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Subtraction of two digit numbers croc game

Subtraction of two digit numbers croc game

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Subtraction within 20 crocodile game online

Subtraction within 20 crocodile game online

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Counting Fun

To strengthen the counting skills of Class 1 students, engage them in various counting activities during their summer break. Encourage them to count objects around the house, such as toys, books, or fruits. They can also count the number of steps it takes to reach a specific location or the number of birds they spot in the park. By incorporating counting into their daily activities, they will develop a strong foundation in numbers.

Shape Exploration

Introduce Class 1 students to the world of shapes by encouraging them to identify and draw different shapes. Provide them with shape templates and ask them to create drawings using these shapes. They can also go on a shape hunt around their house or neighborhood, spotting shapes in everyday objects. This activity will enhance their shape recognition skills and develop their spatial awareness.

Measurement and Comparisons

Engage Class 1 students in measurement activities to help them understand the concept of size and comparison. Provide them with objects of different sizes and ask them to arrange them in order from smallest to largest or vice versa. They can also measure the length of various objects using non-standard units like paperclips or buttons. These hands-on activities will enable them to comprehend measurement concepts effectively.

Number Patterns

Introduce Class 1 students to the concept of number patterns through engaging exercises. They can identify and continue number patterns such as counting by twos, fives, or tens. Encourage them to create their own number patterns and challenge their friends or family members to continue the sequence. This activity will sharpen their observation skills and logical thinking.

Problem-Solving Puzzles

Enhance the problem-solving skills of Class 1 students by introducing them to age-appropriate puzzles and brain teasers. These can include simple mathematical riddles, Sudoku puzzles, or picture-based puzzles. Solving puzzles will not only improve their critical thinking but also provide a sense of accomplishment when they find the solutions.

Mathematical Art

Combine creativity and mathematics by engaging Class 1 students in mathematical art projects. They can create symmetrical drawings, tessellations, or geometric patterns using colorful materials. This activity allows them to explore mathematical concepts while expressing their artistic side.

Outdoor Math Games

Make learning math an enjoyable experience by organizing outdoor math games for Class 1 students. They can play games like "Number Hopscotch," where they jump on numbers while practicing counting or addition. Another fun game is "Math Relay Race," where they solve math problems to progress in the race. These games promote teamwork, physical activity, and mathematical skills.

Mathematical Stories

Introduce Class 1 students to mathematical stories or picture books that incorporate mathematical concepts. These stories will not only entertain them but also make math relatable and engaging. Encourage them to discuss the mathematical ideas presented in the stories and relate them to real-life situations.

Mathematical Treasure Hunt

Organize a mathematical treasure hunt for Class 1 students, where they solve math problems to find hidden clues. Create age-appropriate math questions and hide the clues in different locations. This activity will not only reinforce their mathematical skills but also promote problem-solving and critical thinking.

Maths in the Kitchen

Involve Class 1 students in simple cooking or baking activities that incorporate math concepts. They can measure ingredients, count utensils, or divide a recipe into equal portions. Cooking provides a practical and enjoyable way to apply math skills in everyday life.

Calendar Activities

Encourage Class 1 students to explore calendars and develop their understanding of days, months, and seasons. They can mark special events, birthdays, or holidays on a personalized calendar. This activity will enhance their number recognition and sequencing abilities.

Maths Board Games

Engage Class 1 students in board games that involve mathematical concepts. Games like "Snakes and Ladders," "Counting Money," or "Number Bingo" provide an interactive way to reinforce math skills while having fun with friends or family members.

Mathematical Scavenger Hunt

Create a mathematical scavenger hunt for Class 1 students, where they search for specific shapes, numbers, or patterns in their surroundings. Provide them with a checklist and let them explore their environment to find the hidden math elements. This activity encourages observation, critical thinking, and exploration.

Maths Quiz

Organize a math quiz for Class 1 students, covering various topics they have learned throughout the year. Include multiple-choice questions or simple problem-solving questions. A math quiz promotes healthy competition and reinforces their knowledge.

Maths and Technology

Introduce Class 1 students to math-related educational apps or websites that offer interactive math games and exercises. These digital resources provide a fun and engaging way to practice math skills while utilizing technology.


Engaging Class 1 students in maths summer holiday homework not only prevents the loss of learning during the break but also makes mathematics an enjoyable subject. The activities outlined in this article provide a wide range of options to keep young minds actively learning while having fun. By incorporating these activities into their summer routine, students will strengthen their mathematical skills and develop a positive attitude towards math.


1. Is it necessary for Class 1 students to have summer homework?

Summer homework is not mandatory, but it can be beneficial in preventing learning loss and reinforcing concepts.

2. Can these activities be done with parental guidance?

Yes, parental guidance and involvement can enhance the learning experience and make it more enjoyable for Class 1 students.

3. Are these activities suitable for all skill levels?

The activities mentioned in this article can be adapted to different skill levels, ensuring that every student can participate and learn at their own pace.

4. How much time should be allocated for maths summer homework?

The duration of maths summer homework can vary based on individual preferences and schedules. Allocating a few hours each week can provide a structured approach to learning during the break.

5. Can these activities be done collaboratively with classmates or friends?

Absolutely! Collaborative learning enhances social skills and promotes teamwork. Students can engage in these activities together, creating a fun and interactive learning environment.